How they met

This is how Harley Quinn first met bud and Lou (for those who do not know who are bud and Lou are ?? ) They are Harley Quinn's hyena Pals . You see long before she met the Joker!! She was a Gotham University college senior who had a roommate named Gabriella now you see they had gotten jobs at Gotham's Star Labs their jobs where to take care of the animals there from lizards to ferrets and two hyena Cubs . Well one night Harley never left something in the lab where the animals are being taken care of there see discovered that Gabrielle was doing not very nice things to them she was going to call security and the head doctor about what Gabriella was doing to them Gabriella did not want her experiments be spoiled they fought Gabriella had the upper hand but during the fight scene October the case where the Cubs were and it's open the caves for them since harleen was nice of the Cubs they helped her deal with Gabriella Harley won the fight Gabriella was kicked out of Gotham u for her cruelty to the animals years later she became the villain known as the grison a ferret like baddie!!! Who still has a score to deal with harleen and bud and Lou!!!🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
