experimentals || art || graphics || literature || anything
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This world was created mostly to post
experimentals, WIPs, and free graphics for your use!
► The terms of use for using my graphics can be found here. ◄
Thank you <3 Please enjoy your stay! (> ω<)b
Images: xx || Brushes: x

Now that I have the line art 100%, I was wondering if I should squeeze in Sylveon, or just make an entirely separate print for her? I'm just unsure of where to put her on here. That top right corner is likely to be used for text. ;u;
My goal, at least, is to try to colour this in SAI. The lines aren't as pretty as lines done in SAI, but I've been practicing making quick movements on my tablet, so the lines aren't near as squiggly. e u e;
I made this last night as an expression of my feelings for Naruto these past couple of months. We finally got some plot development after God knows how long, so now I'm just waiting for it to progress (though knowing Kishimoto, "progress" is defined as being slow as humanly possible).

These are two days later than I was planning to give them! I'm really sorry, Felcie. OTL I hope you like them at least. ; o ; <3
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 ]

Kotetsu is just too cute not to love.
He screws up a lot,
Making mistakes others deem idiotic and stupid,
But it doesn't stop him from moving forward.
He wants his daughter to recognize him as the coolest Dad,
While at the same time he watches out for Bunny.
When does he find time for himself?
In his eyes, saving others is more important than anything else.
He deserves his name,
Wild Tiger,
For he truly possesses the courage
And strength,
Of a tiger.

Sasuke's anger and passion draws me to him.
Underneath that tough exterior, I believe,
Is his younger self.
The self who loved his brother,
His friends,
His village,
And could actually show a little bit of love.
Sasuke does what he thinks is best,
Even if no one else, including the audience, agrees.
His hatred is what has made him grow, and perhaps even realize on his own
That what he searches for might not be the answer.
It might not bring him his salvation.