Ello people ^__^

My name's *BLEEP*, how ya doin'?

Feel free to comment or PM me :D, I like new friends (and pocky (^o^)/)

"When life gives you lemons, squirt them in people's eyes. And when life gives you even MORE lemons, make cranberry juice and then life will just wonder how you did it."


Ok, this is serious, A kid needs our help so do the right thing.
His name is Matt Dawson. He is 23 years old, and he has a large tumor on his brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say he will die soon if this isn't fixed, and his family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is reposted. For those of you who repost, I thank you so much. Please, if you are a kind person, have a heart. REPOST THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found this on mewmewpudding's world, I'm not really sure how it works, but....i hope it does work ^__^

So my family from Germany finally went back, but now I JUST found out my mom invited some preist over to our house to stay for like 2 more weeks Xo
Gawd, I'm so tired of these visitors TT^TT (no offense to the visitors...)

And my mom got pink eye 0.o It kinda creeps me out staring at her XD

Uhh....cya guys around ^__^

And if there's something important that I missed don't hesitate to comment :D

Hooray for The Ouran High School Host club dub comin out in october :D
Vic is gunna be Tamaki XD
I'm still wondering how Caitlin's gonna sound as Haruhi tho... I guess we'll see in October X3

GAH! I've been TAGGEDDDDD!!!!

AnimeCrazed9 tagged meh!!!

So I shall now state 10 facts about myself.....

ICHI ~ My favorite sodas are sunkist and mountain dew code red :D

DOS ~ I plan to dominate the universe with evil pink bunnies in twirly chairs :D

THREE ~ I don't memorize my cell phone number

IV ~ I suck at baseball/softball/etc.......and many other sports

WU ~ I love to SCUBA!!! :D

KUUSI ~ The first anime I ever liked was sailor moon (like alotta other ppl -__-) and at the time I didn't even know it was anime

SJU ~ I started really getting into drawing in the 6th grade

SEKIZ ~ I'm addicted to super minty gum and andy kind of fruity or sour gummy animal

NEUF ~ My favorite place in the world that I've been to so far is New York City

KUMI ~ I'm currently very tired, bored and braindead........

NOW I SHALL TAG.......saymorewords, Clozimodo, mewmewpudding, TrinityLight, smexykazekage,PuppylovePyro, krokun, vdr-07, MadHatterBelia, and Mewmewlover55!!!

Some family came over from out of the country so we have to play tourguide for a few weeks while they're here V__V

so i guess I won't be talking to you guys anytime soon TT^TT

What happens when seaweed-eating monsters take over Baltimore and start acquiring a taste for nostal

HI PPL!!!!
GAWD! I'm SO SORRY I haven't been on for a while TT^TT
I checked my backroom today and the whole thing was in bold and I'm sure I missed a lot more :[
(If there's anything I missed that you want me to check out, plz tell me so ^__^)

I graduated from the 8th grade on wednesday :D
(for those of you who have defferent school systems
kindergarten - 5th grade = Elementary school
6th grade - 8th grade = middle school
9th grade(freshman) - 13th grade(senior) = high school)

And my life's been suddenly accepting me into the world of happiness lately :D
(In other words, my friends actually have enough spare time to hang out for more than an hour) so I haven't been on the internet much :(

Here's a pic I edited a while ago ^__^ (I tried to submit it as a wallpaper, but submitting wallpapers is harder than it looks TT^TT)

and here's a funny vid my friend showed to me XD

Have a super awesum summer :D
Anybody have any koolio plans?





Ahhh....I was so happy when I saw my portfolio and all my subscribers and subscribees all together and happy ^__^ (I'm making up the happy part....it just sounded good there :])

I have to go explore my closet subscribers now :D
Cya later peeps :D

Now all I need is for the freshness page to be the default page >__>


IF the world were round, would you still love me?

I have a question for you gys ^__^ (and it's not the one in the title)

If I had a contest, how many of you guys would enter?
I already know that Clozimodo and mewmewpudding said they would ^__^, and that makes me a verreh happy person, but I need at least 3 ppl for for it to be an official contest :D
(I feel like I've been mentioning clozimodo alot lately -__-, don't get me wrong, she's awesum, it just feels kinda strange XD)

And I've been thinking of possible themes and one of them was : Draw any one of my OCs (even if I drew the character once, they're still considered an OC) with a maniacal pocky (any flavor is ok)

If anyone has any ideas they like better, would like to expand on this one, or has any ideas for prizes, share them ^__^!

^ random pic i found on the internet....I WANT THAT COSTUME!!!!
(I think its obvious which one )