Ello people ^__^

My name's *BLEEP*, how ya doin'?

Feel free to comment or PM me :D, I like new friends (and pocky (^o^)/)

"When life gives you lemons, squirt them in people's eyes. And when life gives you even MORE lemons, make cranberry juice and then life will just wonder how you did it."


I recently read the comments on my Yumichika pic and one of them said:
"well maybe you should screw yourself.jesus loves you."
I was a bit freaked out (when I first read it the "jesus loves you" was blacked out until i highlighted it), but then i was just like "-__-;;........ooookaaay then..."

Anyways, thanks for all the other comments ^__^
Sorry I don't really reply anymore, my lazy spasms are kicking in more often T^T

And for the commenters on my "SUPAH SPY" pic, I'm glad I'm not alone on the "parents and your art" deal (if that makes sense) Those comments were fun XD

saymoreowrds :
"Me: Moooooom, does this look right?
Mom: Err... it's a camel?
Me: Dragon.
Mom: I knew that.
Me: T^T"

'Lol! That's like me with my parents only my dad
"Is it a girl?"
"No dad, for the 2nd time HE's a BOY"
"It looks like a girl..."
"HE's a BOY!" lol!'

I hope you guys don't mind that i posted your comments, I just loved those XDDD



Friend 1 : Why weren't you in school yesterday?

Friend 2 :I was shadowing this high schooler (*shadowing a student is kinda like open house, except you're only following one kid*)

Art Teacher : *Pops outta no where* No, that's called shading

(*in science class*)

Sci Teacher : So density equals blank over volume...What's the blank?
(*That's not really what the question was, I just can't remember it now XD*)

Class : ...........

Sci teacher : C'mon, it starts with a mmm and ends in a donkey

Class : .....?

Student : OH! Mass!!!

Class : ......OOOOOO!!! *laugh*


Math teacher : *insert math problem here* so now find n

Class : It's 5!

Math Teacher : No, it's here *points to n in equation*


I hope you enjoyed some moments in my school day (not all today) XDDD


......*continuing drumroll*

If Twin Fenrir reads this, I thought he'd find it especially entertaining 'cuz he calls me "Toast Girl" XD

It's kinda long-ish, and the slideshow is REALLY lame, but plz watch up until the "french toast" part (only 'cuz that's my favorite part ^__^)


UWAH!!! I just submitted my first fan comic ^__^
It's really sloppy and kinda corny, but I hope you'll check it out :D

I've decided to dedicate my next few fan art submissions to ppl I haven't drawn anything for yet (Thanks for all the comments friends :DDD)

[~FUNFACT!!! The voice of Edward Elric (in the Japanese cast) is a girl xD SHe also is the seiyuu of Armstrong's mom (in episode 37) AND Teresa from Claymore AND Temari from Naruto ^__^ Interesting, ne?~]

I also posted that on the fan comic description ^__^, I just thought that it would be fun to share :] (The name of the seiyuu is Romi Paku)

.....THere's really no point to this post.....I just felt that my world was kinda empty .____.

Thanks for reading :DDDDD

Hi ppl :D

Sorry I haven't been posting ^__^''
But my life's so boring there's nothing to post about
uhhh....I really like seaweed, the roasted kind that comes in those packages ^__^, so yummy. It also tastes quite good with rice :]........-___-''

Since I have abso lutely nothing to talk about I'll try asking you guys questions :D (Queen of Sheba always does this, I decided I'd try it ^__^)

1. What color are most of your socks? (Mine are mostly white)

2. What's your favorite food? (I like most Italian and Japanese food, also seafood and ice cream....and of course pocky ^__^.)

3. When did you start drawing anime? (Around the 6th grade. Then, my drawings were like crap, but before that my drawings were like worse crap .__. Also, before that the only time i drew was for school.)

Feel free to answer any question you feel like :D. My answers are in the parentheses ^__^

Sorry if I'm boring today *__*

BTW---Whenever I put in an image or youtube vid, it doesn't show up TT^TT...WHY?!?!?