Pocky. Pocky. Pocky.

The war weared on and on. The soldiers were tiring, but still fought with a fierce determination. Blood shed more and more with each passing day, but no hope availed. Until one day...a great light shone from the ground between the sides and a crack spread between the two sides. Each opposing side was now on it's own island. Then something rose from the crack between them. Their savior? Maybe, but what did come out was...........A GIGANTIC BOX OF POCKYYY!!!

Hey guys! ^__^
Sorry for that weird intro, for those of you who actually took their time to read it XD
But it dawned on me one day....on a world called the "pockyissupertasty" world, so far I've posted NOTHING pertaining to pocky -___-
So I'm here to ask you guys, what's your favorite flavor of pocky?

And didd you guys know there's a SECOND Charlie the unicorn??? :D
In my opinion, it's not as good as the first (especially the ending), but still pretty kool.

BTW---VISIT MAD HATTER BELIA'S YOUTUBE WORLD!!! IT'S SUPER KOOLIO!!! (She hasn't made a lot of posts yet, but so far it looks awesum ^__^)
