Hey there all! I'm Nicole, just another fellow otaku looking for friends and anime ^^ This is my little blog where I post lots of stuff; new music findings, new manga or anime I've gotten, news, updates, etc.


:: YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/xGAMINGTRIFORCE18 ::
:: Fanfiction.net - :: http://www.fanfiction.net/~youraveragebritishgentlemen ::

Assassin's Creed 8D~

Okay so a couple hours ago I downloaded Assassin's Creed on Steam. I'M FREAKING HOOKED. My parents made get off or else I'd play it the rest of the night T-T

If anyone else plays it I'd love to do multiplayer~

So heya, it's 5:30 AM and my first day of school.

Yup. My frackin' alarm clock just woke me up T-T But I was having a bad dream so s'all good.

I'm getting myself up at 5:30 so I'll have some time on the internet before school. So wish me luck on me first half day, I'ma play Age of Empires nao.


Lucky Star?

Lately I've been watching this cool anime called Lucky Star.~ If anyone else likes it, I'd be happy to chat about it ^ o ^

Pre-autumn bliss!~

Around 10 o'clock at night. Spice! by Len Kagamine is on replay and playing fairly loud on iTunes. Having cookies & milk. Reading EnglandxOC/EnglandxReader fics and the occasional lemon. Blogging and browing theO. Ah, I just want to spend these last 2 days of my summer in this blissfulness!~ Unfortunately I have to go to a fricken' fair tomorrow, and the last day clothes shopping. Shopping isn't really bad but fairs are boring... Oh well. Just trying to make the night last before my parents pry me off my laptop ^^





Ehem... sorry about that. Anyway if any of you are also planning on getting it just PM me and we can exchange friend codes ^ - ^