- Created By samuri sheath
hey there
i thought i would post an e-card i made ecently and i don't see why it would be a problem. it takes me a while to make these i have habit of checking every little detail and fixing every problem i can fine. itell me what you think? okay more later.
i remebered that there are many wise sayings out there and i thought why not add some so here are a few of them.
"respect is not given because you think you deserve it, it is given because it is earned"
I don't quite remember who said that.another is
"A warrior must be able to pick his battles"
that is all i have for now i will post again later hope you all have a great week. by
hello out there
hello everyone from here on i will include a picture of by a talented artist to honor there skill and artwork and everyonce in a while i will post some poetry. i want all to be welcome and will try my best to find things that will interest all so if you have any requested just ask. now here is the first picture of many to come.