Okay, so I know I have a Pokemon Jukebox I should be posting, and while I know what I'm going to post about for my Pokemon Jukebox, I'm just not really able to for a moment. SO. I'M GONNA TELL A STORY.
So I got Black and White 2 the day it came out, and I've already made my way up to Victory Road. But I decided this time for my team I would nickname my Pokemon after characters from Mother 3. So here was my team at the point that I got to Driftveil City:
Lucas - Samarott
Boney - Growlithe
Kumatora - Trapinch
Claus - Jolteon
Duster - Lucario
I'd been looking for a final team member, but everything I found interesting seemed to be impossible to get. Finally, I decided that I was going to catch a female Snorunt in Platinum, name her Hinawa, and then trade her over through complicated crap and evolve her into a Froslass. Problem solved!
Well, around that time, I met up with former Team Plasma members dressed up in their lovely medieval gear and, having my villain fangirl syndrome (oh Mew, don't get me started on Colress <3), I immediately fell in love with them. And their leader, Rood, asked me to look after N's Zorua. So I took him, but I felt like I shouldn't just put him in the PC box. This is N'S ZORUA for Mew's sake! It's something special! So I decided to keep him in my party for a little bit until I got back to college and got my Platinum version to get Hinawa. Well, I trained him a bit, and suddenly he evolved into Zoroark (or as I say, Zorororororororororoark). And slowly, I started getting attached to this Zorororororyouknow. I'm not able to nickname him (at least, I'm pretty sure I'm not....), which was one of my main concerns with having him permanently. How dare he mess up my theme!
But eventually I started calling him Fassad, not officially, of course, and he somehow ended up the sixth member of my team. Fassad was a badass, too. I mean, Duster, my Lucario, was a Pokemon based more on Attack, but Fassad is an attack POWERHOUSE, or so it seemed when I was using him. He got crap DONE. And I love him, so much. He's so much fun! So Fassad the Zorororororororororo(is shot) has carried me through all the way to Victory Road. However, I got right up to the League Gates, and who was waiting for me but N of all people! And he goes and congratulates me on beating the crap out of Ghetsis, and THEN he says, "Hey! Isn't that the Zorua that helped me out before? Thank you so much!"
And I was like, "BAAAAAAAAH" (<--fangirl scream with flailing motions)
It just made me feel special....
Well perhaps I'll have more stories eventually ^^; And I'll get that PokeJukebox up as fast as I can! Ciao~!