After at least a month of silence, new information has finally been revealed about Pokemon X and Y. So far there's been nothing to confirm the rumors flying around about a possible new type or new evolved forms for older Pokemon. But four completely new Pokmeon have been revealed. I'm going to hold off putting up the names of these Pokemon for now, as it looks like only the Japanese names have been revealed. But it seems that the player is capable of riding one of these new Pokemon in the field. So this is not just a new Pokemon, but an entirely new game mechanic that might indicate a new use for older Pokemon such as Rapidash.
I'll post more info as it comes, but if you want to see what these new Pokemon look like, click here.
UPDATE: Another aspect of the new games that's also been confirmed is that players will be able to customize how their characters look. Here's the link on this info provided to me by dfdfdfdf.
Will post more info when I find out about it.