Sun/Moon Pokemon Variants EDIT

A new trailer for the Pokemon Sun and Moon games has been put online, and it reveals a few new Pokemon, a ton of new features and characters, and some startling new variations of classic Pokemon. Take a look.

I want to make it clear that these new variations of Pokemon like Ninetales and Sandslash aren't new forms they can take, but the same Pokemon that just have different types. I'm really not sure how to feel about these new type variations, to be honest. I mean the new variants of Ninetales and Sandslash look cool, but I really don't know how to feel about them being Ice-Types.

UPDATE: I've just checked, and has put together a page that explains the type changes to some of the Kanto Pokemon in the Alola Region.

To visit the page, Click Here

Basically, the type changes to Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix and Ninetails are due to them migrating to an icier part of the Alola Region many, many years ago. In order to adapt to that climate, they had to become Ice-Types. As for the new Dragon-Type Exeggutor, the cause of that change seems to be due to the year-round tropical climate of Alola.

We actually see this kind of thing with animals in the real world. Certain animals have evolved radically different characteristics in order to survive the environment they're born in. For instance there's the arctic fox, which has a coat of white fur during the winter in order to blend into the snow. The Pokemon games have merely taken this to a new extreme by having Pokemon born in different regions also be born with completely different types in order to adapt. I'm sure it'll also be possible to have the original Fire-Type Vulpix and Ninetales and the original Ground-Type Sandshrew and Sandslash in the Sun and Moon games as well. Of course whether or not that will involve having to trade or transfer a classic Vulpix/Ninetales from another, I can't really say.

What I really want to know right now though is, how does this new Ice-Type Vulpix evolve into a Ninetales? I mean I can't really see a Fire Stone working on an Ice-Type.

Anyway, I'll try and post more news updates as they come in. Until next time, stay tuned.
