Arrival of Sun and Moon

In case some of you reading forgot or have been hiding under a rock for the past few months, the Pokemon Sun and Moon games hit store shelves all over the world today. I've been reading about some of the coverage on the games on yesterday and today. There was one particular secret about the games that totally blew my mind, but I'm not going to say what it is because I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone.

So now that the games are out, it probably means that I'll be doing some new feature posts about some of the things that this seventh generation has introduced to the Pokemon franchise. I plan to do a short-lived series on the Alolan variants of classic Pokemon such as Ninetales and Raichu. I'll also probably do a series of posts on the Ultra Beasts at some point as well. And of course there will likely be some new posts for the Interesting Specimen and Legendary Pokemon of the Week columns that I do from time to time.

The new era has finally arrived, ladies and gentlemen! The real world may suck at the moment, but the Pokemon franchise just seems to keep getting better.
