Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Details

Nintendo has recently released a couple of videos with details on the upcoming Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games. Both videos were posted on the Anime News Network website this morning, but for the purposes of this post I'll only be showing the more detailed video. Take a look.

For me, these are the two biggest details from the video.

  • Item 1: It looks like Necrozma is going to have a pretty big role in the game's Aether Foundation storyline.
  • Item 2: Those new Ultra Beasts are just plain freaky! I mean UB Burst uses its head as a projectile weapon!

That's all there is to report at the moment. I'll try to let everyone know when more details about these new games are revealed as soon as I can.

EDIT: In case the above video isn't working, here's a link to the Anime News Network story that originally had the video. CLICK HERE

EDIT 2: I managed to fix the problem with the video (apparently the link I copied was bad). If you want though, you can still use the above link to check out the Anime News Network article and see the other video posted with it.
