A Mismagius Gijinka came out of the bushes and attack the big group of highly confused pokemon gijinka, including me. My hair blew as I held my dress down from the gust of wind from the attack. I would of put up a force field but that would be useless if I just reasoned with the angry gijinka girl. I nodded towards Lupe to signal her to talk it over with the Mismagius. She got my signal and tried to speak with reason.
"But we were trying to hide from the-" Lupe tried to say but was rudely interrupted by the loud mouthed Mismagius.
"NO buts. I was here first and I'm not getting some poke people strangers my hospitality unless I can trust you! So who wants to fight me, Maggie?!" And on that note, she threw her hand in the air, ready for battle. My hypothesis would be that her name was "Maggie" because it was used at the end of her sentence. Lupe, unfortunaly, also had a short temper and I saw the anger creeping outside her. She made an angry face and walked towards Maggie.
"Now listen here you little-" Lupe mumbled to herself. I guess she knew it was a bad idea to start a fight with her.
The Vulix gijinka named Vixy stepped forward and accepted Maggie's challenge.
"I'll fight you. It would be fun to fight against another gijinka and you shouldn't just go attacking people without asking why they're there" she said walking toward her with a confident tone. Maggie's smirk gotten wider. Then the gijinka named Sheek joined the fight. I raised an eyebrow. Are they serious?
"Okay. You're BOTH asked for it", She yelled while preparing to attack. I then sighed and held out my hand. As the three dashed towards each other, I let out a lavender force field, bouncing them both back to the ground. The three rubbed there butts, elbows and arms or whatever they landed on. I stepped foward elegantly, with my arms folded. Such a bold move for myself. I didn't normally come out the closet, I would usually stick to either Faye or Lupe or hold their hand or hide behind them with a sense of unsecruity but this was a serious time.
"What do you all think you're doing" I started with a question. I looked around and saw faces of confusion, anger, and faces that didn't seem to care if I was talking to them. I continued. "Why do you choose to fight when you're not fighting the enemy? I believe we are all being chased by money-thirsty pokemon-chasing humans. Aren't they the enemy? I really do believe this fighting thing is pointless. To be presise, it has no meaning at all. Just because Maggie wants her land and Vixy and Sheek want fun does NOT make anything better. Such selfishness, you all have." I turned towards Maggie and pointed to her.
"Especially YOU!" I yelled. She growled at me but I could care less at the moment. "The bounty hunters already discovered this 'secret hideout'. What sense would it make if we all left you here just for them to come back and bring you to your demise?" I asked.
"Ha! I'll like to see them try! I'll tear them apart." Maggie laughed confidently. Lupe laughed in the background. I also heard few other giggles.
"I don't blame Lupe and the others for laughing at you ridiculous remark. Do you really think you're strong enough to handly all of them? With the strength of your Shadow ball and your size, I calculated that you don't have a chance. Your strong but not nearly strong enough. None of us are. That is why... that is why we must work together! How about you SHARE this home of yours, Maggie. It'll be the smart thing to do." I added. I then turned to the others. "We'll fix up this place, add more room, add decent decorations, and be a team" I spoke out to them. Heads turned, looking at each other. Lupe nodded and smiled. Faye nodded gently.
"Oh! And by the way, my name is Estelle. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." I smiled.
Someone Please continue!
♥ Estelle the Espeon

Mission pic!! ^^
Everyone just kind of stood stupidly after Sheek introduced herself. She was ready to simply walk off, when the Dragonair spoke. "Well, my name's Aire. I'm sorry we all had to meet at such terrible time. It's nice to meet you Sheek. I'm not going to stop you, be on your way if you must. I will not hinder you in any way; we can all get along here." She chose her words carefully, and smiled when she was finished. Sheek blinked. She never really was that sociable; she had always chosen being a loner over friendship. It came as a shock to her that someone was actually being friendly towards her.
The Houndoom then turned to the Lopunny and introduced herself as Hoom. There was a slight rattling of some bushes nearby, though, and she got distracted. The Absol, whose name was Asao, noticed this as well, and both silently watched the bush, alertness shining brightly in their eyes. Suddenly, a voice screeched out, "Shadow Ball!", and a oozing black blob of dark energy tore through the bushes Hoom and Asao were observing so intently.
A comical-looking girl, who resembled a witch, stormed out of the vegetation. Sheek identified it as a Mismagius. "Get out!" she roared. The poor Frosslass, who was startled by this odd girl, shot an Ice Beam at a tree. The Mismagius ignored her, adjusted her witch hat, and continued: "This is my territory. Either you leave in peace or you fight me for it? Who wants to be first?"
"But we were trying to hide from the-" the Lopunny tried to explain, but the Mismagius wasn't going to have it.
"NO 'buts'. I was here first and I'm not getting some poke people strangers my hospitality unless I can trust you! So who wants to fight me, Maggie?!" she shrieked, thrusting her arms to the sky like some madman performing a ritual.
Vixy was the one to meet the challenge. "I'll fight you. It would be fun to fight against another gijinka and you shouldn't just go attacking people without asking why they're there," she replied icily, without any hint of fear on her breath. Sheek was enjoying this. "Hold that thought about friendship, Aire," she said, "I'd like to say to the Vulpix and the Mismagius that three can play at this game." She stepped forward.
A triple battle?!
What's up with there being so many of us? This would be fun but I want to go and watch the fireflies since it's almost dark. "SHADOW BALL" someone screeched. I nearly jumped but I had to keep calm. I don't need to be more hyper than I already am. Then a Mismagius gijinka appeared.
"What the crap?" I asked talking to myself. I listened to what she had to say and she said her name was Maggie and she wanted a fight. I now I really needed to calm down and a fight would help.
"I'll fight you. It would be fun to fight against another gijinka and you shouldn't just go attacking people without asking why they're there" I said walking toward her. I wasn't afraid of her. Only thing I was afraid of was water.
Someone Continue?
"Shadow ball!" I screeched as I let out a shadow ball out the bushes and into the group of gijinka. This was my area where I had a waterfall, a treehouse, and even a berry buffet area installed here and I'm not going to let random people just barging in my territory.
"Get out!" I bellowed. A frolass girl was so scared of my voice that she used an ice beam on the tree. I ignored it. I mumbled incantations as a houndoom girl was growling at me.
"This is my territory. Either you leave in peace or you fight me for it? Who wants to be first?" I asked, tilting my purple hat. Everyone just stared at me like I was unusual. I always get that look.
"But we were trying to hide from the-" A Lopunny girl was trying to say when I snapped at her.
"NO buts. I was here first and I'm not getting some poke people strangers my hospitality unless I can trust you! So who wants to fight me, Maggie?!" I threw my hands up in the air.
Please continue someone?
~Maggie the Mismagius
I kept asking myself how did I end on that place in the first point. I remembered that I was running very fast through the wood as I chased for something that was on the sky...after some minutes and when I got to this place I figured I was chasing hunters; I felt in peace when nothing bad happened.
A chaos happened for me when I started seeing many gijinkas in one place;on the first hand is was good...maybe I could meet new friends, lately I was feeling very lonely since I separate from the others. However that Lopunny began to enter on a crisis and then everyone began to present themselves?? What was happening...I decided to go under a tree because it was very sunny and simply watched howeveryone was acting; after some minutes I got bored and decided to to present myself so I went were the Lopunny was:
"It seems you destroyed my fun but it doesn't matter...My name is Hoom by the way" I said trying to be friendly but it seemed she was somehow busy; my temper was getting out but I tried to calm down so I got away from the place to the tree again and then noticed that the absol stopped and was looking to some bushes. I thought it was strange but then I heard the bushes too and it was automatic when my body stood up and my tail went down like a hound waiting for its prey.