Sorry to interupt the storyline (Emmet) ^-^''''
Still waiting for people to respond.
If you want to participate in the First annual POKE GIJINKA REVOLUTION's Poke contest... comment below and say so.
(This message do not go to the gijinkas that has commented on the last post. I got al of you. Espcecailly you xfishyx ^-^)
This are the people that did not respond just as yet:
Luna Chan- (Asao the Absol)
Destiny Lost- (Aire the Dragonair)
Tigerlilly54- (Grace the Glaceon)
Rein Akira- (Kyoudai the Mightyena)
Firestar95- (Kit the Skitty)
Eiri Yuki s Lover- (Vara the Vaporeon)
Moonsailor- (Nina the Nidoran [girl])
Sasukelover001- (Reo the Umbreon)
UltimateNejiFanG- (ChiChi the Chickorita)
Iruka Sensei- (Lux the Luxray)
Blondeinblack- (Saruhi the Chimchar)
XxSkaterChicxX- (Gilana the Grovyle)
Seetherchick- (Rali the Feraligatr)
Let me know.