Pokemon: Meowth
Name: Nyarth
Age: 12 (he got older, lol)
Hair color: shiny silvery-white
Hair length: short but messy
Eye color: gray
Skin tone: a little tanner than 'pale'
Gender: male
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 90 lbs
Held item: soothe bell (he left his Poffin Case at the gijinka home)
Relationships: doesn't know it yet but Estelle is his older sister; looks up to all the girls 'cuz they become his mother-figures; good friends with Nina (wouldn't they make a cute couple? X3); Adores Vara like the older sister he never thought he had; feels like he has a special connection with Kat because she's feline too
Attacks: thunder, pay day, fury swipes, bite
Personality: eager to please, overall loveable, it's hard NOT to love him lol
Hometown: in the forest
Likes: hugs, having his ears scratched, comfortable clothing, making people happy, poffins, berries (only pecha, mago, bluk, watmel, kasib, starf, and custap), shiny or jingley objects
Dislikes: when people don't like him or are mad at him, sitrus berries
(all cats hate citrus, did you know that?
Fears: bullies/fighting-types
Weaknesses: fighting-types, picky eater
Strengths: agile, fast, and flexible, can fit into tight spaces
Outfit: brown short-sleeved shirt with tan long-sleeved shirt underneath which, at the end, is a finger-glove (his sleeve and the glove-part are connected), with cargo pants, no shoes
Looks: he's a bit tall and skinny, his feet are like cats' feet, the coin-thing is on his forehead, has a distinguishing brown mark on his inner right ankle, has small pointy teeth and one hangs out of his mouth.
Background: used to be a regular Meowth (not sure right now what happened to him) and lived with his mom and dad in the base of a giant tree. when he was younger a trainer caught his dad and I'm not sure what happened to his mom. He heard the bounty hunters chasing the rest of the gijinkas and followed. That's how he came to know everyone. His mom's a Persian and you know what his dad is?
Read this post: Entre Nyarth~
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