I heard the announcement, and sighed. I didn't make it. After a talk with the contestants, another announcement came on.
"Section 2! Block A consists of..." I heard a bunch of names, including my own. So I wasn't out of it! Just a different section! I jumped up, happy. I walked over to the designated meeting spot.
"Now, like I said to the last group, this round is a lot like a pokemon battle. Your group wins, you go on. Your group loses, your all disqualified. The battles take place in double battle style. Your competing with Section 2, Block B, which consists of Crobat, Hippowdown,[insert more]. Enjoy!" Wait, I thought the next section was swim suits. Why a pokemon battle? And what about the humans who made it? What were we suppose to do, actually attack them? My head spun...
Anybody who wants to be in Section 2 jump in! I can't stand being left out, and I noticed Eva posted Section 1. (Thanks Eva!) If you didn't make it, just jump in! See y'all!