And here's Eva!
This is the original picture of her.
Here she is!
And here's her bio!
Name: Eva
Pokemon: Eevee
Age: 10
Gender: girl
Height: 4ft 2in.
Weight: 60lbs
Held item:Peacha scarf
Attacks: Dig, Shadow Ball, poison, quick attack
Personality: kind and alwyas happy. a bit scary when mad.
Likes: Making friends and eating
Dislikes: fighting
Fears: being on top of large buildings
Weaknesses: fire and electricity
Strengths: normal and fighting
Outfit: brown long sleeve dress that goes down to the knees with white fur rimming the sleaves and bottom. Peacha scarf around the neck and and brown belt and eevee ears.
Looks: long brown hair, green eyes, and white skin.(a bit skiny)