Keep Going

Man that Estelle is so stubborn. But she is pretty convincing too. I agreed with her, it wasn't a matter of getting rid of her. I just didn't want to see her get hurt. But since she was so admit about staying with me I wasn't going to argue anymore. My wounds were bad but they weren't as bad as they could have been. Laughter was heard once again.

"We need to run right now." I said getting up. "I have some stuff in my room that will help both of us."

"You have some potions or something?" She asked coking her head to the side.

"Yeah lets go!" I replied running a bit ahead of her. She too began to ran but than I felt the small grip of someone holding my hand. I turned around and it was her. I looked forward and held her hand tight as we ran threw the halls. The laughter grew and the darkness was getting stronger but made it to my room unharmed. But as soon as we got close to the room an attack came at us. We both slammed the door and pushed some dressers in front of the door to keep the enemy out.

I looked around to make sure there was nothing wrong with my room. It seemed fine. I walked over to my dresser by my bed and opened it up and pulled out a full restore for each of us. I tossed her a bottle and opened mine.

"Lux...I really am okay I don't need this!" She mutter looking at it. "I am strong enough to handle this on my own. This belongs to you."

I had already gulped mine down but the time she was finished and looked at her. "If you don't drink it, I will force it down your throat so don't argue with me. You aren't the only one who is stubborn here missy." I smirked at her. She gave me glare and I gave a bit of a chuckle.

She opened and drank the bottle and all her wounds had healed as well. I headed to the window and opened it up and got on the balcony. Suddenly the door was being broken into. My facial expression went from calm to frantic and I saw Estelle get a bit scared.

"I have an idea." I said looking up at the stars. "Quickly come here Estele!"

I reached out my hand to her and she ran towards me.

I pulled her close. And used as much power as possible and jumped off onto the roof of the mansion. The door manage to come down and we both saw the being come into the room and check the balcony. I crawled back holding Estelle close to while trying to keep out of sight from my roof. The being looked around and headed back in. I quickly got up and carried Estelle to the top of the roof nearest to the moon.

"Was that your bright idea?" She asked with a giggle. "It seemed to have worked but we have to save the others or at the very least find them. I hope Lupe will be okay." Her ears began to twich and her tail began to wag in every direction. I could see she was frusterated.

"Right now lets just figure something out. I just needed to get us away from whatever that is. We need a battle plan. We both have moves to compliment the other." I said closing my eyes and crossing my arms as we both sat there. I let a small bit of time before I said anything more. "With your help, I believe you and I can become an unbeatable team, Estelle-chan...."

I caught myself in shock....Estelle-chan? Where the heck did I pick that up from?


I blame Chicago because that is where I have been all weekend so I am brain dead...some one continue
