
Featured: Kiki, Roselyn, Xio, and Ava
TIME: at night and then the next day

Kiki hurried down the hallways. She didn’t want to help out cleaning but she didn’t want to face the wrath of the Lopunny. She was in such a rush that she collied into someone. And fell to the floor drooping the shopping bags.

“Ouchie…” Kiki mumbled winching. She looked up and saw an Absol Gijinka male who was very handsome. “Oh-Oh gods, I’m so sorry!” Kiki apologized. She saw his he was very close to Kiki felt her face grew hot. “U-Um… sir…? Could you…?”

“Hm?” The Absol said and looked down at her as if he just realized her. “Oh, sorry…” He said climbing off of her and sat down on the floor.

“No, it was my fault since I was running…” Kiki said pulling herself up in a sitting position.

“Can you help me, then?” The Absol asked.

“Um, with what?”

“I’m looking for a Zangoose named Zaishi, do you know him or where he is?”

“Um, no, I’m sorry. I’m pretty new here, so I haven’t met him, yet…”

“I see…”

“But if you’re going around searching for him, be careful you don’t run into Lupe… She’s sending everyone she can find on a cleaning spree and we won’t be done until moonrise…”

The Absol’s expression twisted in annoyance. “Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep it in mind, Miss…?”

“Um, I’m Kiki…” Kiki said blushing a little.

“Right, I think I saw you at that meeting… I’m Aberius. Thanks for the tip.

I’ll get going and you should too…”

“Ah, but she already caught me… I’m just trying to get these shopping bags back to my room before she yells at me for being too slow…”

Aberius looked at the bags scattered across the floor and picked them up without a word. He offered my hand to Kiki, “Here, I’ll help. It’ll get done faster if there’s two of us, right?”

Kiki took his hand, “Thank you,” she said and he lifted her up. She lost her balance slightly and fell forward onto his chest. “U-Um…”Kiki quickly backed away and took the bags, “ok, then let’s hurry.” She smiled slightly and briskly jogged in the direction of the girls’ dorms. They quickly made it to her room. Aberius set some of the bags on an empty table.

“Thank you again, Mister Aberius, for helping me,” Kiki told him with a small curtsy.

Aberius grinned slightly but sweat dropped., “Mister? Please, I’m not that old. Just Aberius will do. Or Abbie, whatever…”

Kiki snickered and held her hand over her mouth while laughing, “Abbie? Isn’t that a girl’s name?”

The Absol Gijinka growled lightly, “Whatever… Or you could just call me Abs…”
Kiki glanced down. He was certainly well built it suited him but if she called him then she would always think of hot muscle guys…., “Hmm… Ah, but well, I think I’ll stick with Aberius, then.”

“Alright, then I’ll be on my way, then,” Aberius gave a small wave and left the room.

Kiki watch him go and giggled. He’s really hot…but I can’t flirt with every guy I bump into because I’m dating Xio know. But it’ll be hard since this mansion is full of hot guys…Kiki sighed and looked at her pocket watch. “I better get to work…I hate cleaning…”

Kiki went around the mansion helping out with cleaning jobs. I hate cleaning, Kiki thought. When I clean I get dirty...and I shouldn't be cleaning in my new outfit. Kiki sighed.

After a while she stopped and went to the kitchen. She felt exhausted and made herself dinner. When she was done eating she relaxed at the table. "Jeez this is a mansion. Shouldn't we have cleaning maids helping out." Kiki sighed.

The kirlia girl jumped when she heard the Lopunny Lupe's voice, “Alright ladies! We’re all done for the night. We got almost everything repaired that needs to be, so if we get back to it tomorrow, everything should be in order. Get some sleep and I’d BETTER not see any more damage to this mansion!”

"Great," Kiki said standing up from the table. She cleaned up the dishes she used and went to her bedroom.

Once she was in her bedroom Kiki search through her bags. "Oops," she said looking at them. "I forgot to return Roselyn's bags." Kiki picked them up and headed for Roselyn's room.

She quietly nodded on Roselyn's door, "Hey Roselyn. I have your shopping bags. Are you up?" No answer. "Well I'm coming in." Kiki quietly opened the door and saw Roselyn asleep on her bed. Kiki step inside and put the bags beside the door. She glanced up and started in surprise.

She saw Xio leaning against the wall asleep. Wha...whats he doing here? Kiki thought bewildered. ...maybe he's just looking after Rosleyn out of concern since she wasn't well today. Kiki thought. Yeah..that's gotta be it

Kiki softly just the door and went back to her room.

I shouldn't be worried about it, Kiki thought changing into her nightgown. Xio's a kind hearted gentleman

He's a player obviously, said the familiar annoying know it all voice in her head

Kiki shook her head. "Shut up..." Kiki muttered. Great I'm going crazy...

Kiki lye down in her bed and played with her golden pocket watch. and then she fell asleep.


Kiki woke up it was late in the morning. She got up and did her morning stretches. and then took a shower then put on her usually attire of a white dress and green stockings and went to have brunch.

When she opened her door she saw a new girl she hadn't seen before. She guessed it was an Altaria. "Oh good morning!" The Altaria gijinka greeted happily.

"Hi," Kiki replied with the same cheerful air. "Its actually almost noon."

"Okay Good Afternoon!" Altaria giggled. "I'm Ava the Altaria I'm new here. I just arrived yesterday."

"I'm Kiki the Kirlia." Kiki said. "I'm been here for two days I think. I was going to the kitchen for breakfast I mean brunch. Want to join me?"

"Yupper doodles!"

Kiki laughed, "Cool."

yay for posting! ^_^
I hope you like it and I hope I got Ava right KC
