Alright everyone,
Many of you can notice that there was a purge that eliminated about 8 people from the club. However by accident a name was deleted but will be added back up when leader gets back....who knows when....Shayde sorry about that. There was an accident through PMs. So you are safe!
So now that they have been purged that is giving the opportunity to new members to join HOWEVER, this has been discussed due to LACK of updates. We all know everyone has school. So there will be something changed for new members to join but since it isn't official yet I can not say yet.
NOW there IS a new rule FOR ALL MEMBERS!!! Again, school is a priority and this was discussed among leaders but every member is required to post at LEAST ONCE A MONTH including us leaders as well!!! The rule was depending on characters you have if you have two you would have to post once a month per character which means twice. However, we want to get posts going so we decided ONCE was enough for right now but not limited too that.
This rule stands and shall not be broken unless we know other wise and you need to PM the 4 leaders with details because sometimes Eneko and I do not know everything that the twins know. :( So in the case of Thyme girl, her situation still stands and is why she is on the temporary absent list.
If you want to be moved to that list let us know as well, however, we think one post a month isn't very hard to do and it can be done on a weekend folks. Its pretty fair to not only to the leaders but to all characters involved in the RP.
We hope to hear from you and any other ideas you wish to bring up to the club.
Respectfully and Sincerely,
Vice Co Leader Eneko &
Secretary Iruka