Ladies and Gentlemen,
First and foremost I have splendid news and I mean that sincerely because today we are welcoming back an old member back into the club, she had disappeared on us back in August of 2010 and never heard from again but so we had no choice but to remove her from the club, however, due to the excellent planning of our four leaders, we kept in mind if she were to come back she could. And so that day has happened, mark it down in the history book my friends because Sacrificed908 is back with Gale the Girafarig.
So please give her a warm welcome back and befriend her if you haven't met her. Again welcome back Saccy and Gale!!!
Lux: Gale and Ivax welcome back!!! *embraces Gale* I missed you both, *whispers* and Ivax....Lupe still has cooties...*chuckles*