Goodbye Cheruu

Cheruu's Last post

Included in post-- Cheruu, Chii, and mentions of Mitsu, Nyrath, Lux, Xio, Lupe, Hoom, and others TIME: Night after the cleaning is done

What am I doing? Why did I even stay here at all?
I stared outside my window of the mansion. I came in months ago, from a snow storm. I'd gotten separated from the others that escaped the island. They were still out there, I didn't even know if they had found shelter. I didn't even know if they were okay.....
.....What am still I doing here?
I reminisced on the days I'd spent in PGR Mansion. I had reunited with Chii, the unwanted "best friend" from back in my childhood. I'd found him here, as if it were fate. We had our scuffles, many, which was understandable, since I had left him literally to the sharks. But it was to protect the others from the attack. I wished I would have had the time to tell him, but instead I took the initiative to leave him as bait for that Sharpedo gang and their leader, Shay. It had worked, I got everyone out, but at the price that Chii now thought of me as an enemy because I had left him to die by the hands of the storm and the Sharpedos.
We had settled our differences. In these last few months I had become again friends with him, but of course with fights here and there.... That idiot. I chuckled.

But then, here in this mansion I had.....
I sighed.
Fallen in love?

"Love?" BAH. I spat the word out. Love? I knew she loved me and I too felt something inside myself when she was in danger, when Hoom's family attacked the mansion I felt this urge to make sure she was safe and that I always knew where she was. And then I began to feel this.... Pull.
I shook my head.
She had only begun to mean the world to me, but then she left the mansion soon after. Chii tired to consult me, I knew he felt awful about it, but I blew up in his face. If she ever loved me, she wouldn’t have left, or at least she would have told me! And I never felt anything for her! End of story.
And yet...
I miss her.

I shook my head again.
I had to go.

I sat up from my bed, and began to pack the few possessions that I had. BB squeaked out something sleepily.
“Nothing, BB.”
She squeaked again, more urgently. I growled, “We’re leaving!”
There was a silence, then filled with a whimper. I felt something wet touch my hair and I sighed. Gently I took her from my head and placed her on the bed.
“...You know why.” I whispered bluntly.
She did nothing for a moment, then nodded.
“We have to find the others, I never should have stayed so long. We have to make sure they’re all safe... And maybe.... We can go back to the island again.”
She squeaked.
“Chii...?” I tried very hard not to choke on his name. “This is his home, now, BB.”
More tears ran down her little face.
“He’ll visit, we’ll write letters.”
“The others here? What about them?”
“I... suppose we could write to them as well. But not now, we have to pack. We’re leaving tonight and we will not be coming back.”

I began to pack up my clothes, but couldn’t keep the thoughts of the others I’d met here out of my head. So many had left already.... But yet so many remained that in all honesty I didn’t want to see go.
Lux, that hard-headed tool. I scoffed. Him and Chii act like me and Chii do. Chii will be fine, with my replacement. I sure hope that dang cat keeps him in check while I’m away. He’s a good guy in all respects, unlike that other Luxray, Xio, who I will not miss. He reminds me too much of Shay and I could care less about him. But Lux, please take care of the little twerp, hm?
Nyrath, I’d only met few times, but I’d miss him being so cheery (kind of) even around me. It was refreshing, I guess. Cute kid.
Lupe. Aughhh, the loud chick. What Chii sees in her I’ll never know but he does love her and even with that fact in mind, I really won’t miss her all that much. I wish I could have shown her a peice of my mind just once, but I guess she just scared me a little too much. Oh well. At least she showed me the kindness of a room. I smiled a little at that. Maybe she wasn’t ALL that bad...
Gale, one of my only good friends here. I was never angry around him, he made me feel calm, made me feel like I could really talk to him and he wouldn’t judge me, even about what I had to do to Chii back on the island. I know I’ll miss him. And BB I know will miss Ivax, the two were great friends, though I never really appreciated the way that weird little tail tried to pollute my poor BB’s mind.

I was done packing. Done thinking.
It was time.
I took BB into my hands and let her vines wrap around my hair. She said nothing.
I looked around the room one last time, the moon shining upon the made-up bed.
“One more stop.”


I walked quietly into Chii’s room, knowing it was him merely by the way all the blankets crumpled on the floor with him kicking them off in his sleep. He always had done that.
I put the note I’d written minutes before on his night stand and hesitated before ruffling his hair. He stirred and I couldn’t help but smile a little. Always the same. Even when we were kids.

Cya, kid. You’ll understand why I have to leave. I’ll send you a letter from the rest of us when I find them. I have to protect them. Hopefully, I won’t run into Shay out there, or my brother.... But I will not give this place, this sanctuary, away to humans or hunters or those awful Gijinka. PGR’s secret is safe with me.
I opened his window and jumped out lightly into a nearby tree.

I turned back to the mansion and gave it a small salute. Cya, PGR Mansion. You really helped me out. Maybe I’ll visit again... But I doubt it.
So, so long. Catcha later, guys.



Cheruu’s last post. Bye, Cheruu and I’ll miss posting for you! And he’ll miss all of you, despite what he said!

