FEATURED IN POST: Kiki the Kirlia, Rally the Raltz, Tanner the Tangrowth, Estelle the Espeon, Nyarth the Meowth, Aberius the Absol and Xio the Luxray
TIME: around afternoon
“Kiki! Kikiiiiii!” Rally sang swinging around on Kiki’s desk chair. “Are you done yet?”
“In a minute…” Kiki muttered. She looked at herself in the full length mirror trying to tie the Obi in the back. It was hard. It looked sloppy and came undone easily.
“I can help,” Rally offered. “You’ve been at it for an hour.”
“Not that long,”
“Okay HALF an hour,” Rally said swinging the chair side to side. “If you keep this up you’re going to be late.”
“No I won’t,” Kiki adjusted the tie again and looked at the mirror. “UGH!! IT’S CROOKED AGAIN!” Kiki huffed wringing her hands in frustration.
“Do you have ABC?” Rally asked resting his arms on the top of the chair.
“What?” Kiki said untying the obi again.
“Or was it AC…DC…?” Rally said scratching his head thinking.
Kiki made a strange cough sound and looked at the Raltz boy in bewilderment. “What are you talking about?”
“You know that disorder thing people who are obsessed with order and stuff, Eon told me about it but I forgot what it was called.”
“You’re asking if I have OCD??” Kiki said sort of bemused. “No I don’t.” She turned back to her kimono. “…I’m just nervous about tonight. I really want to look perfect for Xio…” Cause it might be my last….
Kiki glared at her right forearm. Dammit… I hate you Gaia!!
“Come on let me help Kiki.”
Kiki sighed, “Fine...”
Rally stood behind Kiki held the ends of the Obi in his hands, Kiki held a book with the instructions on how to tie a kimono’s obi over her shoulder for Rally. “This isn’t so hard,” Rally said working on the obi. “If I didn’t know better you were just stalling.”
“No I wasn’t…” Kiki muttered and she glanced over her shoulder at Rally, “Hmmmm You should work in a kimono shop Rally.”
“No way that sounds boring!” Rally tightened the knot and step back. “Done!”
Kiki turned around and looked at her reflection. “Perfect! Good job Rally.”
“Can we go now?”
Kiki got her purse pouch and fan. “Yeah let’s go.”
Kiki followed Rally out of the room and into the hallway. It was almost dusk and people were walking around and Kiki assumed that they were getting ready for the festival.
I wonder where Xio is, Kiki thought nervously. I still haven’t told him about that thing...I should tell him before the date? I did say I would explain to him last night but would he believe me? Kiki sighed. If I tell him I’m afraid he might not want to be around me…
Kiki was so preoccupied that she stubbed her foot on something and toppled over. “Aaaahhh!!” Kiki instinctively put her arms out as she was about to fall but someone grab her hand and held her steady.
“Are you alright?” said a man’s voice. Kiki’s eyes snap open wide and looked up at Tanner. Her eyes look over at his hand around her wrist and saw the white marks beginning to crawl over her pale flesh.
“Oh no…”
Tanner began to cough and let go of Kiki’s hand. He held his stomach and coughed harshly. “Wha…” He began trembling and shakily knelt down.
“Oh…oh no!” Kiki panicked as Tanner grasped the front of his chest as if he was having a heart attack. Kiki step forward wanting to help him but stop when she remembered she couldn’t touch him. What do I do?!
Rally stood beside the Tangrowth looking at him with a surprising calm and concentrated look on his face. Tanner was still hunch over in pain. His teeth were gritted and Rally could hear him mumbled between gasped. “No…don’t…don’t…” It seemed he was talking to himself.
Rally took a deep breath and gently touched Tanner’s shoulder. There was bright glow that started to shine from Rally’s hand and it enveloped Tanner. He was using Healing Wave. “Calm mind,” Rally whispered after a few seconds the glow faded away. Tanner’s breathing calmed down and he let go of his shirt.
Tanner slowly stood up and Kiki backed away from him. “I-I’m sorry…” Kiki said quickly. “I didn’t mean for that to happen!” Kiki bowed about a dozen times frantically. “It was…uuh..It’s hard to explain….” Kiki fidgeted with her hands anxiously. “Do you…feel okay now…?”
“Ah…yes I am,” Tanner replied.
Kiki saw the Espeon Estelle walking down the hall wearing her kimono.
“Rally let’s go,” Kiki said taking Rally’s hand and turned away. “Again I’m really sorry.” She said to Tanner and rushed down the hall. When they were alone Kiki stop, she slammed her hands to the wall and hung her head.
I can’t believe that happened! GAAAH!! Now he’ll probably avoid me like I’m the plague…it feels like one of my worst nightmares is coming true where all the boys treated me as if I had leprosy!
“Kiki are you alright?” Rally asked looking at Kiki with concern.
“Y-yeah I’m fine,” Kiki took a deep breath. She looked over at Rally. “I didn’t know you learned Healing Wave and Calm Mind already.” I didn’t learn Healing Wave until I became a Kirlia, Kiki thought impressed and a little jealous.
“Cool huh?” Rally said grinning proudly. “I’ve been training with the other kids back home. I want to become a super cool Gallade like dad.” He looked up at Kiki his bangs parted showings his large bright eyes. “What happened back there?”
“It’s nothing…” Kiki said slowly looking away. “Gaia put a mean prank on me…” Kiki muttered. It didn’t sound like a believably excuse but it looked like Rally bought it.
“She did?” Rally look confused. “That doesn’t sound like her. She never liked pranks and stuff like that.”
“Well…” Kiki said she didn’t want to tell Rally about Gaia being about to cast curses or whatever she learned from the Witch.
“Hey I’m getting hungry.” Rally said rubbing his stomach.
“We’re going to the festival soon,” Kiki said. “I’ll buy you all kinds of snacks and sweets there so be patient.”
Kiki and Rally walked down the hall. Kiki stop when she noticed the boy’s wing. Maybe Xio was in his room?
“Hey there nya!” A Meowth Gijinka, about thirteen years old Kiki guessed, walked over to them. “I didn’t know there was a kid here nya” He said to Rally. “Are you staying nya?”
“No just for today I think. I’m here because of my sister Kiki here,” Rally said. “My name’s Rally.”
“Hello,” Kiki said. She smiled at the Meowth. Aww he’s so cute.
“Hi nya I’m Nyarth.” He said with adorable smile. Kyaa so cute!! Kiki gushed.
“You look really pretty in your kimono Kiki-nee-chan.” Nyarth said.
“Aww thank you,” Kiki giggled.
“She has a date with Xio.” Rally said with a wide grin. Kiki blushed.
“You know him?” Kiki said. “Do you know where he is?”
“I think he went to his room to get ready for the festival nya.”
“Okay thanks,” Kiki said she was about to walk down the hall but stop to look back at Rally. “Um Rally I think to talk to Xio so…”
“Its okay go on. You just want to be alone to make out right?” Rally said with a silly grin.
“No…” Kiki grumbled her cheeks turning bright red. “You can wait out here or…”
“He can wait with me nya,” Nyarth offered. “I don’t mind nya.”
“Great thanks. Do you know which room is Xio’s?” Nyarth gave her the directions and Kiki left.
She went down the hall, thinking of how to tell Xio. Okay I’ll say it like this, my sister put a curse on me so I can’t touch you or anyone older than me. She’ll remove the curse if I promise I won’t see you anymore…ugh this is so depressing. Kiki sighed and stop at one of the closed doors and knocked.
After a moment she waited with her head bowed forward despondent. The door opened and a male’s voice broke her from her daze. “Can I help you?”
Kiki looked up and surprised it was not Xio but Aberius. “Um...,” Kiki said blinking she could imagine a large sweat drop over her head like in an anime. “This isn’t Xio’s room is it?”
“No it’s mine.”
“S-Sorry for bothering you!” Kiki said bowing in apology feeling embarrassed. She noticed his injured arms she remember he was in fight yesterday. “Ah Aberius are you alright?”
“Yes I’m fine.” Aberius said he glanced at her Kimono. “Tonight’s the festival right? So are you on a date with that guy Xio?”
“Yes…,” Kiki said fidgeting on the hem of her sleeve.
“Not that it’s any of my business but did you have a fight with Xio?”
“Oh no we didn’t,” Kiki said quickly. “It’s just that my sister was awful to him and he got really mad. But that’s not it either…” Kiki mumbled.
“Oh…” Aberius said he looked unsure of what to say.
Kiki let out a frustrated yell surprising Aberius. “AAAAAHH! I’M SO MAD! IT’S ALL MY SISTER’S FAULT THAT I CAN’T HAVE A GREAT DATE WITH XIO!”
“Hey don’t take it out on me!”
Kiki blinked and bowed her head. “Sorry…” She sighed. “I shouldn’t bother you with my problems…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Aberius said. “If you need someone to talk you can talk to me…although I don’t think I’m the best guy to ask for advice.”
Kiki looked at him and smiled. “Thanks Aberius.” She looked down the hall. “So…do you know where Xio’s room is? I forgot…” She asked sheepishly.
Aberius looked around and sniffed the air Kiki figured he was locating a scent. “I think it’s over there,” Aberius said pointing down the hall towards a door.
“Thank you!” Kiki said bowing in gratitude. She walked over to Xio’s door. She took a deep breath and knocked.
Just as soon as she let her hand drop to her side the door opened and there stood Xio. “Kiki good evening.”
“Hi…” Kiki said gazing up at Xio. Is it possible to become more handsome every day? “You look amazing.”
“And you my dear look lovely. That Kimono suits you.” Xio said smiling. He raised his hand to touch her face but Kiki avoided by stepping back.
“I need to tell you something important.” Kiki said.
Xio nodded, “Come in.” He step inside. Kiki entered and gazed around in his room in amazement.
“Wow…this is like a room for a King.” She saw Xio smiled at her comment.
“Would you like to sit down?” He asked. “You can seat on the couch or the bed?” He said the latter with a teasing grin.
Kiki glanced at the king sized bed and quickly sat down at the couch. “Aw you’re no fun,” Xio said chuckling. He sat next to her and in a second she was sitting farther away from Xio.
“What’s wrong?” Xio said taken aback.
Kiki took a deep breath. “I’m sorry but I can’t touch you…” Kiki said her hands resting on her lap. “Gaia…put a curse on me.”
“What?” Xio said blinking.
Kiki pushed back the large kimono sleeve to show the white markings on her forearm. She told Xio what happened yesterday and what Gaia did to her, everything. She thought about telling him about Murphy was after her but didn’t want to tell him since it was her problem.
“I’m really sorry Xio this ruined our date.” Kiki said quietly after she finished explaining to him. “I was really looking for to it.” She could feel a tear in her eye and quickly wipe it away. “Right now I think it’s a bother if we just go on to the festival together since we can’t even hold hands…”
Kiki stood up, “I don’t want bother you so I think it’s better if I go by myself. You go have fun at the festival.” Kiki said with a smile but her voice shook a little in her sorrow. She turned to the door.
This was depressing. -___- no hugging no kissing!!!
I know N is busy so I’m okay posting again
I just wanted to post since this is like the last week before the Move.
I hope I got your characters right guys! 0_0