Dear Brother / Festival Time !

I'm here now ! And it seems like I've been put into THREE POST ! O.O
Okay ! I have a lot of typing to do ^.^
Here we go !

Included in this post: Estelle, Xio, Nyarth, Tanner, Kiki, Fresia, and Shola
Mentioned: Lux and Lupe

Time: Around night time right about now ... Then the next day in the afternoon

Estelle ~
I woke up on the living rooms sofa, still tired.

"Hmmm? How did I end up here?" I questioned myself. Raising up, I rubbed my eyes, cat stretched and did a squeal to match to a yawn. I do remember trying to find Xio, I guess I stopped my search for a while and took a little nap, as the cat I am. I got up from the sofa and started walking towards the staircase still rubbing my eyes.

"Oh dear .. I wonder where he can b-" I stopped myself for I have spotted my trainer! >:3 He was heading up the stairs.. with a .. Nyarth? A sleeping meowth laid in his hands. I wonder what happened.

"Oh Xio-san!! Xio-saaan!" I called out to him while running up the stairs. He looked back with a seductive smile, his usual smile.

"Aah, Miss Estelle. Don't you look lovely in that sink night gown." he complimented. I blushed and smiled.

"Arigatou, Xio-san."

"So what is it that you want, my dear?" he asked me, but my focus was on Nyarth sleeping away. He noticed my worried face and chuckled a bit. "Oh, your worried about the kid. He's just worn out from the training I put him through, that's all." he insured me. I placed my hand on my chest.

"Oh thank goodness.. If anything happened to him, I'd... " I stopped myself in saying what I was going to say. Did he just said training??

"Xio-san! About that training..." I started.


"Ano .... I was wondering ... Could you take me as your pupil as well? It seems I havent gotten that much of training since .. Forever! And Seeing how your very strong and your skills and agility is astounding... Could you. .... Ano ... Train me? Or at least battle with me." I asked, face flushed.

"Train huh? ... Hmmm...." he mumbled. It looked as if he was going to say no! I backed up one stair and bowed my body.

"Onegai! It would be an honor!!" I pleaded.

"Hmmmmm .. Sure, why not. More fun for me." he winked. My face lit up and I smiled widely.

"Arigatou gozaimasu!" I bowed once again.

"But you must do something for me.." Xio told me. I lift myself up and tilted my head.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked him. He then dropped sleeping Nyarth into my hands.

"Would you be so kind and to take the sport to his room. Tomorrow's a big festive day ya know and beauty sleep is necessary." he smiled. I giggled, for it was a bit funny, and nodded. He started head up the rest of the stairs and headed towards the male's wing. He then suddenly stopped and turned his head back. "Oh and Estelle?"

I looked over to him while stepping up from the last stair. "Hai."

"Training begins at 8am, the day after tomorrow. Lateness will not be acceptable. Be prompted and dress appropriately." he ordered with a stern face which sent chills down my spine and into my rail. He started walking towards his room again. "Goodnight." He waved back before heading in his room and shutting the door. I smiled nervously and wondered what I just got myself into. Nyarth squirmed in my arms. Maybe it was time I placed him in his bed.

I found Nyarth's room on the males wing and placed him on his bed. Afterwards, I placed the covers over him then tucked him in. He squirmed a bit more and turned over onto his side with a big exhale, which made me smile. He's so cute... I brushed the hair off this forehead coin.

"Otouto..." I smiled. Nyarth was my little brother. He is the only thing I have of my past... The only one close to any blood relation with me. My precious ... precious younger brother.

"You mean the world to me Nyarth..." I whispered.

"... ...." he groaned. Was he dreaming about Papa? Our father? My curiosity got to the best of me. I placed my hand on Nyarth's small hands and focused my energy. My eyes went technicolor while my forehead gem glistened and glowed. This was the same technique I used on Lux back at the Pokemon Contest in the forest. "Future Sight.." I murmured. I then received images of what's been in Nayrth's head. I saw poffins and grass. Trees and sunshine. Berries and a cave... Then ... I saw him. Papa... It was Papa! My papa was a Raichu! He was bold, protective and loving. His cheeks were brighter than the rest. He stood tall with no fear. Oh papa.... Only if I remembered how you looked through my OWN memories. He was singing a song that I was quite familiar with.. This song. .. He use to sing to me! I cancelled my Future Sight and began to sing the lullaby of Papa.. Sweetly and soundly..

"Hush little baby, it's okay.
My love will warm you tonight, you'll see.
In my arms, as you lay,
you'll drift off into a peaceful sleep.

I'll hold your hand,
I'll squeeze it tight.
I'll Hug you, my lil' staaar.

Where ever I go,
I'll hold you close.
I'll never be that Faaaaaaaar.

Hush little baby, you're alright.
Nothing will ever hurt you, you'll see.
No harm is ever in you're sight.
As long as you go to sleeeep..."

Nyarth groaned a little more. I got up from sitting at the edge of the bed and kissed Nyarth on the cheek. Then I whispered into his ear. "One day, my little brother. One day we'll go search for Papa. I miss him dearly as well.. One day, you'll know the truth.. that we are siblings... Daisuki, Otouto... " I started to walk towards the door.

"Otouto, nya?" I heard a small voice from behind whisper. I turned to see an awake meowth gijinka. Did he hear every word I said?

"That's song... Papa use to sing it to me. He always sang it to me before bed time... And you.. you we're just singing it." he said still a bit tired but confused as well. I sat back on his bed and rubbed the back on his head. He face towards me.

"You called me Otouto... And said I was your little brother.. And you sang the song... And you called Papa..Papa." he told me. I smiled.

"Hm. I believe I did, didn't I?" I grinned at him. He stilled looked slightly confused.

"Nyarth-kun... So what does that mean?" I asked him. His eyes widened and shinned as if water was coming to his eyes.

"Estelle - Oneechan .. Is really... My Onee-chan?" he asked inquisitively with a small smile forming. I nodded my head.

"And.. And we have the same Papa!" He exclaimed. I nodded.

"So.. This isn't a dream?" he asked. I smiled and patted his head. "No, not at all. Nyarth-kun. I am your sister. By blood." His smile quickly disappear, for a much sadder face appeared.

"So that means I don't have to be alone anymore... right nya?" he sniffled. That question touched me. That's was the same way I felt.. Alone. As if I had no blood family out there for me. Until now.. A tear rolled down his face. His eyes met mine, as if it was the first time he saw me. As if he finally knew, which he did, that I was his older sister.

"Oh, Nyarth..." I whispered. He suddenly hugged me, tightly. He began to cry. "You don't have to be lonely anymore.. I'm right here.... Onee-chan's here .. " I told him, hugging him back tightly as well. This embrace felt so right. I felt the love Nyarth's been holding for his parents. It made me warm. The love I've been earning to feel.. The love from a sibling or anyone out there for me.. I loved it so. Tears came to my eyes.

"I'm happy... I'm soo happy, nya! *sniff* I have a sister!! Estelle is my Onee-chan! I don't have to feel emptiness anymore!! *sniff* Im so happy..." he cried.

"I as well, my brother. I love you and I'll never leave you..Onee-chan's here to stay with you." I cried with him.

"Always and forever, nya?" he sniffed.

"Always and forever..." I whispered.

15 minutes later we fell asleep together. A few times I would check up on him while he slept just to make sure he hadn't have any nightmares, but all there was on his face was a wide smile. Happy I was to know he knew the truth I've been holding for the right time to say anything. I laid my head back onto the pillow and whispered "Otouto.." Before heading off to dreamland again, I heard a small voice whisper "Onee-chan.. Daisuki, nya..."

Around 3 in the afternoon ~
I woke up to find my little brother gone from his bed. The little poffin alarm clock read 3:17... 3:17 ?!?! I shoot out of the bed like cold water was just splashed upon me.

"I have to get ready!!" I shouted running out the room in such a rush. I ran passed everyone in the hallways but slowed down by Lupe's room. My "Somethings the matter with Lupe" senses were giving me quite a tingling feeling. I stared at her room door for a few seconds, then I shrugged and continued rushing to my room. In about 2 hours I took a nice hot shower, combed my hair, brushed my tail carefully, did a few more touches to my kimono, did my finger nails and toes nails, and finally placed on my kimono and sandals. I loved the way my kimono came out. I then went to the mirror and laced my hair into a festive bun with a large black bow. I found a shell conch on my dresser with a note attached.

"What's this?" I asked myself while picking it up. The note read

This color will fit you nicely...

The note had no name attached. I opened the conch and saw that it was lip gloss. The lip gloss was a beautiful pearl pink color. I rubbed my finger in the lip gloss and placed it on my lips. It WAS very suiting. I smiled and thanked whoever gave this to me.

Heading out the room I saw Tanner.

"Tanner-san!" I yelled out to him while waving my hands. He turned his head to see me. I saw Kiki walking away from Tanner in such a hurry with someone with her.. I wonder what was the matter. I made my way to Tanner and he smiled when he saw me.

"Wow, Estelle. You look beautiful," he told me. I smiled and curtsied as a response.

"Arigatou gozaimasu, Tanner-san!" I thanked him with a soft smile still on my face. Tanner himself looked quite handsome as well. His kimono suited him and I loved what he have done with his hair. It's different.

"I saw you heading to the kitchen. Do you mind if I join before we head over to the festival?" I asked him, being too shy to say anything about the way he looked.

"No, I don’t mind at all," he told me while shaking his head. We both headed down to the kitchen. Tanner started to make ramen while I started to make her own dish. The kitchen door opened and in walked in Fresia. She was gorgeous! Excellent work done to her Kimono! I didn't know we had another tailor around in the mansion. ^.^

"Wow… Fresia… You look amazing," Tanner told her, really looking amazed. I smiled and agreed.

"You look really beautiful, Fresia-san," I told her as well. She was greatly likely the compliments. Her face blushed brightly.

"Thank you very much, Tanner and Estelle," she said with a smile and she headed into the refrigerator and started to get ingredients out. Once Tanner was finished with his meal, my meal was basically finished as well so I joined him at the table. Looking over at Fresia, Tanner notcied she was having trouble with cutting so he went over towards her and helped her. So kind... I thought. Why was Tanner so kind?

After helping her finish her dish, Tanner then sat back down and we all started to talk about the festival until Shola joined in on eating and we all finished up on our meals.

"To the festival, correct?" I asked. Tanner nodded and we all headed out of the kitchen and started to head outside. I walked along side with Tanner and Fresia was on the other side of Tanner and Shola was beside Fresia. It was the group for was yesterday, except Arc was missing. I wondered if I should tell me little brother that I was heading off but I assumed he had a date himself. I looked up towards Tanner. He was tall. He caught me looking and I quickly looked away, faced flushed with embarrassment. He chuckled.

"Gomen nasai.. I was just... Um... Oh look at that!" I pointed ahead hoping to avoid his attention. I saw the festival. Many people were dressed in pokemon cosplay. It WAS the festival of the Three Lake Guardians or known as the Lake Trio Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. The light were bright and beautiful.

"We'll we're here." Tanner exclaimed. I saw the Mesprit Cotton Candy stand and my eyes glistened.

"Ooh! Ooh! Tanner-san! There! Cotton candy!!" I pointed and shouted. I grabbed his and and ran over to the stand.

~ Continue ?

♥ Estelle


Have fun everybody! Be creative with the games and attractions! Look up who the Three Lake Guardians are and make up stands and such dealing with them. I hope you liked my post! @.@ It took soooo long ! (:
