Name: Grace
Pokemon: Glaceon
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5’3”
Weight:70 lbs.
Held item: none yet
Attacks: blizard, ice shard, ice fang, mirror coat
Personality: friendly, can sometimes get over exited, determined
Likes: friends, snow storm, icicles, the name bob
Dislikes: volcanoes, being shushed, losing
Fears: that she will annoy everyone away
Weaknesses:fire, fighting, rock and steel
Strengths: speed, special attack, special defense
Outfit: Short sleeve perwinkle blue t shirt, light blue shorts, blue slip ons
Looks: ice blue bangs divided into three parts, two loose pont tail with a darker blue on the tips.
(( Tigerlilly54's Grace, ACCEPTED!! ))