I ran to the direction of the town. Being off the mountains, or any secluded area was very different than the over populated society. There were many incensed people yelling when they saw me. My face stayed expressionless staying focused on my task. There was going to be a earthquake here and they thank me for my warning by sending me those so called machinery.
I turned to see trainers with other gijinkas. Being in a small device seemed not so bad, since you are their all alone. But working with a partner....not so much. Preferably I like to work alone. I turned again to see those bounty machines still going after me. To those humans I was a doom-bringer or the disaster pokemon. The sad thing was that I only gave them warnings of the natural disasters to come. I bolted away from the humans not wanting them to be injured, or my reputation would be even more inferior.
I reached a unknown territory with the automation only forty feet distance away from me. My black bangs covering my scarlet eyes. This was a hassle and that earthquake was coming in about three days and surely I was going to be blamed for it. But that didn't matter as long as the towns people were safe.
In the distance I saw more machinery with more gijinka pokemons. I sighed knowing that this wasn't going to end nicely, for there was girl ginjikas the most talkative sex or gender. Finally taking action I did aerial ace on the machines with no hesitation this time. The other gijinkas attacked as well, until a lopunny started screaming her twin tails off. ((pigtails))
"Hold... the..... PHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE"! she yelled then threw the machines until they blasted in the air, possibly off to space or just to the next region. She then fell to the ground from using the last of her strength.
I sighed. We were not people we were pokemon, but I didn't bother to correct her mistake. Of course this group was filled with social people, not to mention that lopunny could have broken my ear drum. I heard the Vulpix say Vixy and the Shinx said her name was Sheek. I raised my eyebrow. What was the harm of giving someone my name?
".......Asao", I answered as my voice was smooth and unfaltering as I uttered out my name. I had to admit that the sound of my voice was different to me. I rarely ever spoke at all.
The Shinx started stating something about selling some jewelry. So when they were occupied with that I walked away from the social gijinkas. It was going to be night very soon. The night breeze and starry sky was one of those experiences you can never take for granted. I quickly turned by instinct by hearing the bushes rustle. I wondered who can possibly be here.
Continue if you wish