Training!^>^ and Frozen....

"Are you sure? I'm a ghost type so I might have the advantage..." I asked. I didn't want to hurt Faye.

"I'm sure. Don't worry about me!" Faye smiled. I sighed and chuckled.

"Okay then, you make the first move." I levitated in the air. Faye used a thunderbolt attack. I blocked it with my shadow ball.

"Not bad. Now let's see your ice beam." Faye threw an ice beam at me. I dodged and used my Taunt move to encourage Faye.

"C'mon Faye! I've seen Goldeen Gijinka do better!!!" I yelled teasingly. Faye did a bigger ice beam and I froze into an icicle.

"Ummmm, Maggie?" Faye poked my frozen body. I just stuttered.

"Nnnnnnnnnnot bbbbbbbbad Fffffffaye. Weeeeeeeee can contiiiiiiinue our training when I start to meeelllllt or at leeeeeast thhhhhhhhhhhaw." I brrred. I needed help.

Please continue?

