こんにち は! ともだち に なりましょう!
Hey friends! I am Ponyo. Feel free to check out my world and catch up with what's been going on with me lately! I rarely post, so I'm sorry about that(School, I tell you.)
I don't really draw quite so much anymore, so if you're looking for innovative artwork, I'm not the best one to check out for that anymore : ( Sorry to disappoint. But feel free to check out some of my old stuff! If you'd like to see something I've done recently, leave me a comment and maybe I'll be motivated to add something, haha.
I'm an OCCASIONAL guest poster on Offbeat Mama(despite not being a Mom-SKILLS), so check me out there, too! If you ask, I can give you my name on there, and link you to a post.
Feel free to comment and talk to me! I love making new friends. そして, 日本ご を はなします から, いっしょう に はなしましょう ね!
hey peeps! what's up? i haven't posted in a while! I've been on, but i must admit, school is killing me, physically, mentally, and also it's killing my time! WHOO. say hello to the difficulty of HIGH SCHOOL. why do teachers feel the need to give so much homework? haha, i actually got it really easy as far as homework goes today. my Bio teacher is calming down on her "i must give you tons of homework" phase, and i think now things are finally starting to get less "start of the year crazy homeworkness" ish. but that doesn't really fix the whole problem of the Tech teacher who thinks she's an English teacher(she makes us write essays and then threatens to give us all zeros because we're terrible writers..)..i so wish Technology was an elective! so yeah! also, i FINALLY got to see Ponyo! i got to see my namesake! but i must admit, Frankie Jonas made me SO MAD the entire stinking movie!! him and the mom kept saying "ponyo" wrong! it's "pOHnyo", not "pAHnyo". i was quite unnecessarily angry at them, i must admit. so not much is going on! my brother is watching Phineas and Ferb right now, LOL, i can hear everything they're saying. so i appreciate your reading my random post! you all ROCK!
hey peoplea! what's up? so school's starting in a week, i've progressed a little on my homework, and i just had a hugely busy week. it was fun! 3 sleepovers in a row, 4 baby siting jobs in a row, and lots of time with friends. so right now i should be upstairs drawing, but i just wanted to share some hugely important information with all of you. MY CAMERA'S FIXED!!! i am so, so, so, so, so happy and grateful! so the plan is i might post something. LOL. hopefully i can put something up to appease all of you! appease..that's not the right word that i'm looking for, but i suppose you all know what i mean. so yeah. i hope to hear from all of you, and this post was extremely boring now that i'm looking over it. sorry! b ut s'all good. so that's about it, for real this time. JAA NE!!
hey all! it's Ponyochan! jaa, i thought i should post! i wanna put up some new pictures soon! but, unfortunately, i was at colonial Williamsburg, and i tripped on these stone steps, and my camera swung into the stair and the screen cracked,and i was really mad, and like a bratty little kid i cried for, like, an hour(not in a screaming upset kind of a way, more in a crying without noise kind of a way..), but my Dad found out you can fix them, so he went online and bought me a new screen! WHOO!! but it hasn't come yet..so i can take pictures, i just can't see them. so that complicates things just a tad. but I'm gonna try today or tomorrow to post a picture! and yeah! my summer's been good(very full of vacations, trips, and fun!), but I've neglected my homework all summer(my school had summer homework), so i had a TON. i only have one more chapter of my stupid book, though! and, like, 12 pages of math. but I've got a few weeks! I'd rather draw, though. i still have time to. so s'all good. hope to hear from you all! and seriously, i might post! so keep your eyes peeled!
hey tomodachi! so i thought i should post something! i just got back from vacation, and VBS is on! it started yesterday. one of the kids has some issues(i think he had some ADHD or ADD or something...), so i had to take him out and run laps with him during the bible story. oh, dear. and this one little girl(i call her Mumu, but that's nowhere near her real name)is really clingy to me and always wants to get on my back or sit on my lap. she's SO cute, though, so it's okay. she makes me laugh because she's so funny. good times, good times. but it's crazy! i'm going back tonight, wish me lots of luck! also, just as a side note, how come kids have normal names(like Leah or Elijah or something), and they spell it Leeahh or Ellyzjah or some crazy way? i never understood that. but i like it, anyway.
my picture has been published! LOL,yeah, my Easter one. it's out of it's time, but check it out if you can! thank the Lord!