Hey guys! So this is just basically where i post up some stuff that randomly "pops out" in my life and my mind. From rants to random posts to favorite moments. Thanks for stopping by ~ (> w <)/


Little by Little [Icons]

Happy Birthday to Yoseob ! (:


Although it's only the 4th from where i am, it's the 5th in Korea ~
I'm glad that this is my first ever gif i made! ^^

also from my KOREAN, if not B2ST, spam tumblr .

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Bring on the Break!

Now that winter breaks officially starts for me, I CAN FINALLY SLEEP MORE THAN 4 HOURS NOW!!

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Even though i have like 2 chapter notes, worksheets, and 85 vocabulary due when school starts again...i'm not gonna let that bother me and my drama watching time! CITY HUNTER!!!

Lee Minho - he's so cute <3

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Anyway, enough of my fangirling. Time to get started on secret santa! (:

Dear, Secret Santa!

This is my first time participating in secret santa events -

Ritona Raito's Secret Santa Icons!
& MikuBerry's Secret Santa Wallpaper!
I'm excited to get started on it!
But first of all, here is my list of stuff that i like!

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- simple, clean, cute
- colors: blue, white, gray, red, yellow
- Anything else is up to you! (:


Katekyo Hitman Reborn
- Tsuna
- Giotto
- Hibari
- G
- Fran

Fairy Tail
- Gray
- Leo

Detective Conan
- Kaito Kid
- Conan

- Len and/or Rin
- Gumi and/or Gumo
- Kaito

- Izaya
- Shizuo

Ao No Exoricist - Rin
Bleach - Hisugaya
shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
✖ Any Kazuaki's artwork


✖ Yoseob from B2ST
✖ Jaejoong or Junsu from DBSK
✖ Lee Hong Ki from F.T. Island


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Thank you and good luck, Santa! x]

Blocking the View...

Do you guys seen this white box blocking my view of the screen?! The thing is...it's only on TheO website so i'm guessing is the comment box thingy. Imao. I tried to refresh the page..and it's still there! D:

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I bet this is what the box is thinking:

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Oh yeah. Ignore that horrible drawing at the bottom left. I can't draw with a mouse to save my own life. :D

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Well, anyway I took the writing proficiency today and i was like this the whole time.

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It was two hours of just writing. Writing isn't my strongest point so I was kinda worried that i didn't answer the questions completely or that if i went off topic that i didn't notice. Oh well. I have to wait and see. :P

And I still have math homework to do...

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Forthcoming Disaster ?

I just had my forthcoming yesterday and i have to say...it was crazy. The most fun i had was preparing at my friend's house and taking pictures thou...

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