
Life never seemed so bad to Canti. She had been born three years after the world ended so she never knew how hard it really was to survive. She had long red hair and a beautiful heart shaped face. Her mother kept them moving and fed most nights but away from civilization.
Canti grew up in the wastelands around Atlanta, Georgia. She never met much trouble but some vicious animals until one day in August when men came. They wore yellow hazmat suits and took her mother. she was left alone...

Canti walked until she found a shanty town. aluminum walls surrounded the plywood makeshift houses. At the entrance was a man, scruffy and unshaven, standing guard. "Wait" the guard called as Canti approached. "I...I just want a place to lye down" Canti answered very curious of the discovery of other people. The guard couldn't turn away this girl barely sixteen. "Come in"
