This is what happens...

...when I join a new website. The first few days I run around meeting people and going "lol" in their faces, then I start becoming more lazy as the week moves on... And then a week later I regret being lazy because I have 456321485132 messages to catch up on.

Hi, everybody, I'm here to update on... uh, things? Because a blog thingie is where you post stuff about yourself, as far as I know. If I'm blogging wrong, let me know... I guess.


Life Stuff

So, uh, let's talk about a little something that I like to call Adventures With the Youth Orchestra. For the past couple of years, I've had problems feeling like I was part of the actual organization, for a number of reasons. First of all, as a harpist, you're usually all by yourself, instrument-wise; there's no other harpist to back you up at all. Because of that, you don't really get to socialize with anybody - the harp is usually at the back of the room, next to the (REALLY LOUD) trumpets or in front of the (EVEN LOUDER) percussion section. Second of all, the group I'm part of isn't well-organized at all, and they always have a hard time getting me registered and whatnot because, well, I'm a ~harpist~ and I'm supposedly more difficult to deal with than anyone else.

This year's different, though. For whatever reason, everyone just seems... less intimidating, and more friendly and supportive. o_O I've even made... dare I say it... a couple of acquaintances? I still don't know their names yet, but they're cool people.

We're performing some wonderful music, too. I'm really excited for our concert in a couple of months, actually. The best part is that the harp part isn't hard at all, so I don't have to fret like I did for our last performance (oh god that music was so hard. So so so hard wah).

I had a rehearsal with them yesterday, actually, and we played through this. It's not a hard piece of music, but I hadn't practiced it much up until this week. Even then, I managed to nail it, which really pleased me. :D
...I was kind of disappointed the cute flutist was late to rehearsal and I didn't get to show off to her, but whatever. >>;

It shall be a good concert~


Art Stuff

So, uh, I have one birthday present to do, but after that I should be able to focus on original character designs and that comic I keep talking about. I already have a few pieces of artwork that I want to start once I'm done with my friend's present, so I guess you should/could look forward to that?
Uh, if I ever finish uploading all my older work here, first...

Speaking of characters and comics, I may just start that blog for my upcoming story/comic/thing soon. Maybe tonight, even, if I can get enough work done.


Thanks for reading, folks.
