Hey there! I am Fighter xaos though some call me.... *thunder crashes* Jerry. Anyway some of you may already know me as xaos.
I am chaos.
# it is a bottomless gulf where anything falls endlessly. This radically contrasts with the Earth that emerges from it to offer a stable ground.
# it is a place without any possible orientation, where anything falls in every direction.
# it is a space that separates, that divides: after the Earth and the Sky parted, Chaos remains between both of them
*“Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit”
*You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.
*Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites.
*Out of chaos God made a world, and out of high passions comes a people.
February has come and gone. Leaving a breviloquent (that's a $20 word for you.) message in it's wake. Over the past few weeks I've been ponderous in almost all my actions. If you didn't know because you don't follow me elsewhere and know that I'm a (kinda) well known podcaster and started a few websites and made some friends that you probably know as "internet famous". One of these friends was Justin "Jewwario" Carmical, who tragically shot and killed himself at the end of January. It rattled me to my core. I cried for days, questioned myself all of that. Everything has slowed down to a crawl. Over these weeks I learned that short and sweet message. To value life. Other people, my living situation, having no money, loneliness it eats away at you. But, even though I may be down now it doesn't mean things won't get better.
Later this month I should be on my way to Anime Boston. Largest anime convention in the northeast. If you're planning to go I hope you'll say hi if you see me.
I'm still writing. Though in the last month like everything else that slowed to a crawl. I really want to have major chunks of these scripts done before this month. We'll see.
"There are some times in life
Where you fall down-
You feel like you don't have the strength to get back up.
Do you think you have hope?
Because I tell you, i'm down here.
FACE down.
It should be impossible for me to get back up.
But its not.
You see, I will try one hundred times to get up.
And if I fail one hundred times,
If I fail and I give up...
Do you think that I'm ever gonna get up?
Or if I fail, and I try again?
But I just want you to know that it's not the end.
The end is how you are finished.
And you're gonna finish strong."
Man, we already were proven wrong on some of the things we said here (oddly enough I was right the first time on some of those I should have stuck to my guns...) but this is still a worthwhile watch (or listen). This was previously streamed live on my twitch. http://twitch.tv/fighterxaos Go subscribe and you'll see let's plays and stuff as they happen.
I'm a Chicago Cubs fan at heart. But living here in Massachusetts I can't help but feel happy the Red Sox won the world series. On an unrelated funny side note, I've been to Boston way more times than I've been to New York but I can find my way around New York way easier than Boston, I still don't know my way around there,
Other things that happened, I've got one of these.
If you want to add me look for fighterxaos. All I have at the time of writing this is Batman Arkham City and NintendoLand though. I have Arkham Origins on PS3.
On the writing side of things, my new/redone webcomic Mixtape is doing well. A heck of a lot better than I thought. I'm writing the first full issue of my mecha comic Gorillas. I'm going to be writing the comic I've been mapping out for the past two years March On. Or will I be writing it as a comic? I can't go into detail because nothing is finalized but MAN if this happens, yeah it wouldn't be smart for me to write it as a COMIC script. That game I mentioned being asked to write for.. I've no idea. It's possible they don't want me on anymore but it's also possible that they're trying to get their indie company in order with planning and all that stuff.
So yeah, I'm still around here. Don't forget to stop and say hi if you can.
I JUST finished lettering and submitting my teaser comic for my series Gorillas! I am SO HYPE right now. I'll tell you about how to pick it up when it's released. It's just a 5 page teaser but it's my foot in the door. I have the world built and I'm about to write the real 1st issue. So if you guys show your support by reading it it'll help me convince people that it should be turned into a legit series. It'll also help me make sure March On can get published when that's ready.
Here's a concept art of the mecha, that my friend and the artist for the teaser did. Get hype!