Hey there! I am Fighter xaos though some call me.... *thunder crashes* Jerry. Anyway some of you may already know me as xaos.

I am chaos.

# it is a bottomless gulf where anything falls endlessly. This radically contrasts with the Earth that emerges from it to offer a stable ground.
# it is a place without any possible orientation, where anything falls in every direction.
# it is a space that separates, that divides: after the Earth and the Sky parted, Chaos remains between both of them
*“Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit”
*You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.
*Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites.
*Out of chaos God made a world, and out of high passions comes a people.

Younger me must have thought that was deep.

Oh yeah other places you can find me. My Deviantart
My myotaku
My youtube
My Elfwood and finally
My Twitter

My tumblr

If you want to talk with me more/know me better I suggest hitting me up on deviantart and twitter. I'm on those sites more than theO.

External Image

How long ago was it before my last post?

Oh yeah I'll be posting on myO too. Anyway, I haven't posted in a while because I've been just trying to catch up commenting on you guys. Also I've been drawing quite a bit. I suggest you go to my Deviantart instead though if you want to see them. Hmm, what else? Oh yeah my grandmother had to go the hospital! If you've seen my DA you know already. Good news though is she'll be out this weekend. Boy though when she wen to the hospital the doc said her kidneys were shut down, she was dehydrated, she had an infection, he said the only thing that can save her is prayer. Well, we prayed I know I definitely prayed and now she is doing a lot better and well, ready to get out of there. well, today I tried to add the true cover for Mixtape but it just won't show up. I did however put the introduction I meant to put up though. Oh wait... it did show up! Yay! Now hold on a sec... OK! Everything is straight now. You can see it here Cool thing about it is you can literally see me improve in that one. Oh yeah one more thing, an announcement of sorts, I do understand Spanish, I just don't speak it back. So if you feel more comfortable commenting in Spanish or even pming in Spanish go ahead. See ya around

Look below *points down*

yeah the post before this one. yeah I got nothing else to say. I'll visit ya'll now.

August 11, 1989

Before I begin I would like to say two things. Number one this is a short one-shot story, meant to be compact, also it's pretty old. Number two if you want to see the main character you can see him ...

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blah blah blah yakkedy smackedy

Just saying that I put my links up in my intro. Really that's it, check 'em out if ya want. I'll go now and... do stuff, oh yeah if you're an Ikari warriors mod check out the Ikari Warriors portfolio there's something you should see there, how to grow theIkari Warriors portfolio.

Yes it's true

I am going to be a godfather, however I did not pass out, I said I blanked out meaning I forgot of the word I was thinking. Yeah still it's pretty surreal to me to be a godfather, of twins no less! Well, my friend is going to be doing the work but still I'll help raise 'em too he wants me to train them in martial arts. Ha ha ha! I'll do my best to train them when they're old enough. Yeah here's they're ultrasound, my godchildren...

Oh and check the previous post please, it's kinda important.