Math, Comic Con and... stuff I guess

Hey guys, just thought I'd update you guys on what's going on. First off, I passed english, I got extremely sick and I thought I was going to fail due to it only being a four week class or get a D or something and I got an A! If you read my dA journal then I'm sorry for restating that but not everyone does.

Second, I'm two weeks in math, (which means I'm half done being that it's only a 4 week course as well) and so far I have an A- to B+ which is something considering I haven't gotten higher than a C- in math since... ever. I love this professor, he's kind of like Leo Laporte. ^__^

Avatar Legends of Korra has been confirmed and it takes place 70 years after the events of Aang defeating the Fire Lord. It stars a young waterbender named Korra who has already learned earth, water, fire and goes to a big steampunk city called Republic City to learn airbending from Tenzin, Aang's son.

Mah Source

More characters were announced for Marvel Vs Capcom 3, and they include Super Skrull, Thor, Chun Li, Trish, Dr. Doom, and Amaterasu (from Okami)

Thor and Amaterasu
The other four characters

If ya'll don't know that Comic Con is happening right now... REALLY? O_O REALLY? *ahem* Well, indeed it is happening now and yes... I have a man there. Don't know if he's filming anything though but I do have a man there. :)

Lastly, it's my birthday on Monday and I feel so bad missing the other birthdays that happened this month, like Chibi Anna Chan's so happy late birthday to you guys! I'll be turning 21 God willing, on Monday. No, no I will NOT be drinking. :| You couldn't force me to either.

You have to listen up to hear Krillin and Picollo but please try to. XD
