Ah! This song is one of those songs that's in tune with my essence, my soul.
Thanks a lot:
Mainly to Tommy aka Cloudstrife777. You really said what was in your heart and I thank you for it, for letting me see the path again. Wallowing in self pity is not my style. So yeah, forget 'em. It's hard going in some of those biased contests and then when you call 'em out on it. I saw animepulse's response to those saying about those drawing in traditional style. Let me say these guys (or the guy who typed that out) don't sit right with me.
On another note. Shireishou updated! She says she wants to leave myO too. I was chatting with her in yahoo messenger too. Wow it was 6 in the morning where she was and it was 7pm where I was. She uploaded one more art to theotaku (dedicated it to me as well) and now she says she's going to be on deviantart almost exclusively. It's all up to her of course but I said it before if she wants to be there, I'll stick by her. ^_^ So please go check her myO and her art uploaded today. Or tomorrow since it's kinda late.
On another note. My mom joined theotaku! I told some of you already but now I'm telling all of you. Since she joined today she doesn't have a myO since you know, new members after VV launched can't get one anymore. But please go to her and make her feel welcome. Her username is C ko. The url to her portfolio is Make her feel welcome thanks to those who already did. ^_^
Oh yeah theotaku only: Timechaser, you especially greet my mom. She loves Doctor Who.