
I find it hard to believe that many women have low self's esteem. But with such things as the media, mind you, I believe that is one of our greatest problems in society. Now my ladies, I know some of you believe you are not fitting to talk to me or may feel inadequate, but that is not the case. Beauty can described as many different things. If you want me to be your host and I call you beautiful, I sincerely mean it, please do not think nothing less of yourself.

No no no! That isn't at all desired from me. Many believe that beauty is what is seen on the outside. However, I Tamaki Suoh of the host club see it much differently. I think that beautiful people simply have a unique way their good attributes such as kindness, authenticity, sense of humor, artistic talent, intelligence, confidence without conceit, respectfulness, humility, etc. These attributes stand above everything else, even their own physical beauty in case they may be particularly good-looking. It's just something about their attitude.

Someone that is spiritually evolved and has a beautiful soul. They give everything and expect nothing, always putting others needs before their own. They never judge others unfairly if at all, they can teach you things that change the way you view the world, they can bring out the best in you. I think those are what really defines beauty. As your host, I hole heartedly mean everything I say to you.

If you have those attributes, that is what I believe defines true beauty and makes you women so beautiful. Now, the next thing I wan to see from you is confidence to believe in yourself and to love yourself. I do have my flaws, but I am only a man after all so I admit it. So my lovely, princesses, I do hope this cheers many of you up. A princess such as yourself is beautiful no matter what, you define your own beauty and do not let anyone define that for you.

Until we meet again *kisses your cheek* Ciao!

