
I just spent another week at a camp getting hot and sweaty and going for days without showers whilst being coated in layer of bug spray that obviously do not work because I wouldn't have 30 mosquito bites if it worked and not getting enough sleep and I come home and and and andddddddddddd I SEE THIS:
External Image

I JIZZED. IN. MY. PANTS. (LOL I actually saw that music video three weeks ago X'D)

...*sighs contentedly* And now I can shower. I got a lovely surprise of being freaking AMAZED by architecture (I ought to practice doing some myself, actually) and I CAN SHOWERRRR. YAHHHHH.

And I'm still in this weird confusion with my name. I spent the last week being called Tonks by little kids (and big kids LOL) so.... I'm a bit out of the loop. I was volunteering at a Girl Scout camp like I have since the 5th grade, and I made my camp name "Tonks" (from Harry Potter, OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE I LOVE IT LIKE FREAKING CRAZY) because... I don't know why. We keep our "real names" secret from the girls. They don't need to know our names. We just help. C:

But yeah. HARRY POTTER AND AVATAR BLISS AT THIS CAMP THOUGH, MAN. I had TONS of HP fans there with me so we talked for a bit (one of my friends got pissed 'cause she didn't see the movie yet so we didn't get to talk as much) and I relieved my Avatar fan-ness. I really need to re-watch some of that show. I watched one last night with a girl named Fleur (HARRY POTTER TOO FTW) and I was laughing so hard I thought I would cry.

In other news, I worked at a camp for kids with mental disabilities last week, I was stroked on the face by a boy (MOST AWKWARD STORY EVER I SWEAR), I saw the HP movie AT MIDNIGHT, I flipped my lid when I saw the ad for the PJATO movie (seriously I did. No joke), and I haven't had a week to myself all summer. AT ALL.

Tomorrow I'm working at a karate tournament as a clocker (time person... thingy IDK) since I wasn't ready to actually preform myself and then I'M HOME FREE.
Until I'm forced into a car on Saturday to go to Tennessee for a week. But I like it there. Pretty much. C:

I will be able to be on the computer more now. I SWEAR THIS FOR REAL THIS TIME, PEEPS. So please please please send me a PM so I can talk to you. I've really missed you all. And comment and tell me what I've missed, yah? I FEEL SO BEHIND. ; A ;

(And as I a side note, I find the "I'M ON A BOAT" video extremely entertaining for some reason.)
