...'cause is was blowing into my front door and making this weird whistling noise. It was scary. XD;;
It's been really rainy here today and yesterday. In fact, it was thundering and pouring cats and dogs last night and today in school. I woke up at 3:06 this morning (after checking the computer) with the thunder, and I realized the power had gone out. I had to reset my alarm clock, but I forgot to reset the alarm time, so I'm glad my mom woke me up.
'Nough 'bout the weather.
Anywho, here's my evaluation of the Blue Man concert: it was freaking AMAZING. They have shows in Chicago, Las Vegas, New York and several other places in the US. I think they have a few in Germany, and one in Latin America somewhere, but that's all the places otherwise.
If you ever have the chance to see one, DO IT. It wasn't singing at all, all they did was play drums and do some dang amazing tricks. They never spoke, but that's what made it so awesome!
Oh, and I can't remember who was wondering (was it you, Kasa-chan?), but I play the alto saxophone in band. ^___^ And the bus ride down was pretty fun. And back up. Chicago is a fun place, friends.
I've had a very busy week or two, so I'm very sorry for not posting. I'm alive, and I comment, but I'm always too lazy to post. :P
I have soccer practice on Wednesday or Thursday (depends), track practice on Mondays and Wednesdays (I had my first track meet and got second in my 200 meter dash! :DD Even though the person in the lane somehow had the timer stop their stopwatch earlier and they somehow finished .2 seconds earlier than me, even though I FINISHED BEFORE HER. Made me made.), piano on Thursday, Spanish (I take lessons so I can skip Spanish 1 and go straight into Spanish 2 next year for high school) on Wednesday or Thursday, and some other stuff thrown in there. So crazy sometimes. @____@
I do have some relatively new artwork up if anyone feels the need to see it.
And I'm going to Madison in a few minutes with my mom for this Oratory Contest thing. Dunno why, but I guess it's supposed to be 'enriching'. And then tomorrow I get to go to Chicago again with my friend! :D I'm so happy, 'cause we get to see the musical 'Wicked', and I've been wanting to see it for SO long.
1. Do you like it when it rains?
2. Which do you prefer: anime or manga? Or if you can't choose, what do you enjoy seeing/reading more?
3. Which of the following is your favorite manga/anime to read/see: action, humor, romance, shojo, and/or shonen (basically the same as action)?
4. *random* What does the ring on your phone sounds like (can be your normal house phone, cell phone, etc.)?
5. Name the last thing you ate!
6. What time is it now?
7. How are you feeling? Happy, tired, exhausted, hungry, annoyed, hyper, depressed, crazy/insane, anxious?
Tell me what's the dill-e-oh! (Does anyone even know what I mean? If you don't *which you most likely won't*, I'll translate: Tell me what's up!)
See you all around!