If I Suddenly Turned Into A Box of Animal Crackers, Imploded, And Produced Flowers, Don't Be Amazed

I'm attempting to top either TFL-dono or Kachi-sempai in their crazy title contest thing. >> Though I'm not good at it. Nor will I ever be. And I'm not probably even in the contest. I just couldn't think of a title. THUS, THIS IS BORN?

I'm sorry for the slacking comments by me this week, and in general. My update box fills up incredibly fast between 24 hours of checking, usually (:O) and I often miss stuff. So I apologize for that!

Also, I won't be able to comment much today or tomorrow, because I'm having my BIRTHDAY PARTY. 8D
My birthday's not until Wednesday, but I'm still pretty happy~.

Though I have to say, Wednesday might not be too fun. We have our last football game of the season ON my birthday night, and we have to be there at school at 5:50 for band every game. No exceptions. And we're not allowed to skip unless we have a really valid reason. And it'll be cold, undoubtably and we can't use our music at all. Totally memorized three songs and three routines. IT'S GOING TO KILL ME. D':
Luckily all my friends in band will be there. And it's the last game. <3 ...Until basketball season, that it.

And I have a rewrite for a paper due on my birthday, and probably a test. >>

And I really, really have to apologize for not getting birthday presents up! Cherri's birthday present is in pencil, and I'm really not liking it... but it's not too bad, I guess. But inking and coloring it is going to be a pain. And poor Sayura-chan's birthday present is inked, but not colored yet. And probably both won't be ready until next week. I'm sorry for being so horrible! ;A;

School is just flying by amazingly fast. It's Monday, and then BAM! it's Friday. Of course, the days feel long, but once I get home, I can't even remember much until the next day at school. *laughs*

Alright, just a little post to explain why I won't be on much. And why I haven't done much artwork. I'm so sorry, guys!

Oh, and I'm hooked on Shugo Chara again. <3 I'm on episode 43!

Take care!
Oh, and here's a question for you:
What's your favorite Halloween candy?
