This is a very important announcement. I know it's a Sunday, and many people probably aren't on, but this has to get out.

KungPowChicken also made a post on this in her world yesterday. Go check it out.

Anyway, this member by the name of 'hahaidiots' has been going around and blatantly attacking people's work. He attacked KoInu kyan's SON OF A NUTCRACKER! picture.
If you check out their portfolio's guestbook you can see how many people have been trying to battle it out with him/her.

I'm just so pissed at this member. I'm shaking with anger right now, I kid you not. I'm just so MAD.

I haven't been this angry in a LONG time.

Ooh, and would you believe this is my fight online 'fight'? Glad I can try and help get this person off the site.

Please, don't listen to this person if they comment on your work. DON'T. He/she is a complete and utter jerkoff. :]

This person is obviously enjoying picking a fight with people.

I've reported him/her to Adam (though I'm sure he won't respond as he has too much else on his plate) as well as SunFallE. I really hope Beth was the person I was supposed to report this jerk to. >>

Just.... God.

Karma's gonna come back and bite them. Really.

I'm still shaking...

Just thought you all should know. I'm seriously going to burst if this keeps up. I think they need to go burn.

I know I need to keep civilized, but it's SO hard not to just burst on them. I have no idea how mods handle this.
