Seriously. I hope this isn't a joke.

Okay, I'm not usually all that much of a mushy person. (I'm horrible with comforting people and the like.)

But you all (or a large portion of you) know who TwoFacedLullaby is, right? Nami?

Well, according to her cousin, she's been hit by a car.

There was a little kid who was in front of a car, and she pushed the kid out of the way, saving them. But now she's in the hospital with major head wounds and other injuries.

At first I thought it was a joke, but now I'm realizing that there is NO WAY IN HELL that it's a lie.

I'm really shaken by this.

I know she'll make it through. She's a touch cookie. She can't... you know. She just CAN'T.

I'm really pissed right now, and I'd like to go beat the stuffing out of my punching bag in the basement, but I have sooooo much homework to do (not even kidding, I really do).

But please, go search for TwoFacedLullaby and check out her world, and leave a comment.

I'm scared for her, guys. I really am.

And it's not just that. Today the bus was driving around the corner, and I could see two kids ripboarding on their driveway. I see them keep going down the driveway as we turn the corner. Down down down down... And I realized one of them wasn't stopping. He kept going. Right into the street.

Right in front of the bus.

The bus stopped in time, and the bus driver nearly blew a gasket honking the horn at them. He was fine, from what I can tell.

But Nami saved a kid, just like that.

I dunno.
It just really scared me, guys.
I don't know what to do. I really don't.

I'm... scared.

And by the gods, if this really is just a sick joke... It'll make it even worse.

She'd better be okay.
