*has been listening to 'Untouched' by The Veronicas non-stop since midnight yesterday*

Okay, I'm a stealer of memes. Again. And I decided I should finally do this. XD

Name: Carolyn
Birthdate: October 22, 1994
Birthplace: Colorado
Eye Color:: Green (more hazel-y, but whatever)
Hair Color: dark brown
Righty or Lefty: Right-handed
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Innie or Outtie: innie bellybutton, if that's what ya are askin'
Male or Female: Female ALL DA WAY

The shoes you wore today: slippers for the morning, then I switched to my white tennies for when we went out
Your eyes: hazel, I guess
Your fears: spiders, death, darkness after reading murder mysteries (like last night, I nearly had a heart attack), when people pop out of places and scare me

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: probably "What?" or "Huh?" (though I've recently picked up the new phrase "Suck it up, buttercup.")
Your thoughts first waking up: why the hell is it morning already?
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: their face (wait, does that count?)/their hair/their smile
Your best physical feature: uh...wut?
Your bedtime: Supposed to be in bed by 10 on school nights. As if that ever happens.
Your most missed memory: Being down south with my old friends

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: If I had to chose, probably Burger King
Adidas or Nike: Nike (not like I notice the difference, but I like Nike's symbol and phrase)
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla, please
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino, though I dislike both intensely

-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: One of my goals in life is to go into an airport smoking room and yell, "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" (AKA NO)
Cuss: damn straight (only when I get really annoyed, or am surprised... okay, I lied. I use it alot. XD;)
Take a shower everyday: usually, unless I'm babysitting and can't (I try and take showers at night)
Do you think you've been in love?: naah
Want to go to college: DURR
Like high school: yeah, so far
Want to get married: yup
Type with your fingers on the right keys: of course; Mavis Beacon drilled me for years, my friends
Believe in yourself: not really
Get motion sickness: only when I'm reading and we're driving in the mountains (not a lot, in other words)
Think you're attractive: uh, no
Think you're a health freak: not particularly
Get along with your parents: most of the time
Like thunderstorms: yep, except when they're at night and I have school; then I can't sleep
Play an instrument: alto saxophone and the piano

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID/HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: yeah, to Barnes & Noble
Eaten sushi: Yupppp~
Been on stage: no, thank god
Been dumped: never had someone to dump me
Gone skating: no, though I could have
Made homemade cookies: TONS AND TONS
Been in love: nope
Dyed your hair: never have, probably never will
Stolen anything: besides the memes, I often steal catchphrases

-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: YES, A LOT
Missed school because it was raining?: Well yes, because it flooded, if that's allowable as an answer
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: heck no, I'm too much of a wimp
Cried during a Movie?: definitely
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: YAHYAHYAHYAH
Had an imaginary friend: I talk to myself, though I don't remember any imaginary friends
Cut your own hair: I occasionally fix my bangs when my mom cuts 'em funny
Had crush on a teacher?: maybe once...?
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Nope, not yet >>;
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: NONONONO
Been called a tease: why would I be?
Gotten beaten up: not to the point of being knocked out, no
Been in a fight: yeah; maybe two or three times a month? we spar for karate
Shoplifted: I used to take one or two pea pods from the grocery pea display when I was little

----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: after college and some traveling
Numbers and Names of Children: I'd prefer not to exceed 4, if possible; as for names, I like the name Griffin for a guy
How do you want to die?: helping someone, or preferably peacefully
What do you want to be when you grow up?: something helpful
What country would you most like to visit?: Probably Japan

-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: I like blue or green eyes, but any are fine
Best hair color: any if fine, really
Short or long hair: eww, not long; SHORT ALL THE WAY (long enough to put my fingers in LOL)
Best height: taller than me (which is obviously going to happen as I'm short)
Best weight: if I love 'em, it shouldn't matter; I'd prefer not massively obese, though
Best first date location: anywhere fun
Best first kiss location: outside my house, or wherever he took me

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people I could trust with my life: tons
Number of CDs that I own: probably 10 at most
Number of piercings: nada
Number of tattoos: nada, of course
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: hmmm... probably four or five
Number of scars on my body: quite a few, especially on my hands from punching bags and my stupidity of falling down
Number of things in my past that I regret: wow, way to ask a question that won't drag on

Shampoo: stuff that actually works but smells good
Fav Color(s): green and blue
Day/Night: night, probably
Summer/Winter: SUMMER PLEASE (if not fall)
Fave Cartoon Character: I don't want to narrow it to one so probably between Sakura (Tsubasa), Mikan (Gakuen Alice), the main character from Penguin Revolution, Hikari (S.A.)
Fave Food: noodles of any sort and Chinese/Thai stuff
Fave Movies: Howl's Moving Castle, 27 Dresses, Hitch, Spirited Away
Fave sport(s): SOCCER and KARATE BBY <3
Fave music/song: I love music that has a dance beat (no country or rap, though)

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: jeans, sweatshirt from Germany, gray shirt, socks
Drinking: air
Thinking about: how to answer this, whether I could go check Tegaki E, if I should go watch The Mummy
Listening to: Untouched -The Veronicas

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: not in these past 24 hours
Worn jeans: *is wearing them now*
Met someone new online: yeah, lots
Done laundry: yes, actually
Drove a car: nope; can't
Talked on the phone: yeah, just about a half hour ago and several times before that

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: not a lot
Your friends: heck yeah
Santa Claus: I believe that he's in our hearts to bring holiday spirit and to help save me and Ima-chan from drunken Komaru and Takashi
Tooth Fairy: I used to
Destiny/Fate: ehhh, kind of
Angels: sort of
Ghosts: a bit
UFO's: not sure if I should
God: I figure some higher power(s) is watching out for us somewhere; not sure if there are lots of powers or just a great one (wouldn't it be cool to have the Greek gods and goddesses?)

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yup
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no
Do you like anyone?: No, though I know a certain crazy friend does *snickers at Ima-chan*
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: in real life probably my friend Shannon; here... I dunno maybe Ima-chan 'cause we're insane together
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: IRL in Wisconsin probably my friends Michelle and Shannon
Are you close to any family member?: My littler brothers (Ryan mostly)
Who do you hang around the most?: my family
What's the best feeling in the world?: laughing so hard that you're going to cry or pee in your pants
Worst Feeling?: betrayal, guilt, pity on yourself, hurt
What time is it now?: 9:05 PM


1. Poppukon Shiomami
2. Komaru Nesshin
3. Aruv Mizukai
4. Tripp Logue (her last name is my gym teacher's last name LOL)

1. What is 1 scared of?
-People ignoring her, those close to her getting hurt

2. How did 2 get their name?
-The wonderful Japanese site that I went to said that Komaru meant 'troubled' in Japanese. Her last name, Nesshin, means 'eager'.

3. 3 stands between you and delicious cake. What do you do?
-We split it 'cause she's nice and I'm not the type to beat someone up for cake

4. 1 and 4 are paired on some kind of project. How do they react?
-They both have tempers, so I hope that nothing bad would happen...
Poppukon: The seeds need 5 ml of water!
Tripp: No, they need 6 ml!
Poppukon: Whatever. Let's just make it 5.5 ml.
Tripp: *mutters 'whatever'* Where the heck is my aspirin bottle?

6. Who was the last person 2 hit?
-Takashi, durr. She's always hitting on him, even though he's too stupid to realize it.

7. 1 becomes a superhero. Who do they pick as their sidekick between 2, 3 and 4?
-She already is one, silly goose. She'd choose Aruv, 'cause she's already on her team.

8. What would their special sidekick ability be?
-She'd beat the living crap out of people with her rainstick.

9. 4 finds a handful of change on the street. What do they do with it?
-Pocket it and save it to buy books or aspirin.

10. Would 1 rather be too hot or too cold?
-Too cold, because she'd exercise to stay warm.

11. 3 finds 2’s diary. Do they read it?
-She'd probably skim it, 'cause she's kind of nosy. But she'd put it back because she's nice. And anything in the most recent entries would be all about Takashi, anyway.

12. Where did 1 and 4 meet?
-Here and here only. They're in two separate mangas, two separate worlds.

