I Am a Mindreader Who Steals Meme's

Sorry Luna-chan.
Looks like more meme madness. XD;

ONE - Spell your name without vowels: Crln
TWO - Are you single? --Yupyup
THREE - Whats your favorite number? --22(, 3, or 4)
FOUR - What color do you wear most? --Red or blue
FIVE - Least favorite color? --Puke orange/green and pink
SIX - What are you listening to? --Thnks Fr th Mmrs -Fall Out Boy
SEVEN - What do you smoke? --Remember one of my goals in life? So, NOOOOOOOOO.
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now? --Pretty much. C:
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity? --Errr... no
TEN - What is your favorite class in school? --Gaah, this is a hard one this year. Probably Honor Geometry or World History.
ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/DC/Bluenotes? --Never heard of the last two. No for the first.
TWELVE - How do you make money? --Babysit and odd chores.
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend? --I have no best friend. I have best friends.
FOURTEEN - Where do you go to school? --A high school.
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing? --Pssh, no. Not in real life.
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you? --Strange?
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes? --My tennis shoes. My old ones fell apart after wearing them almost non-stop.
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses? --No. I used to not be able to wear 'em. So none yet.
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now? --Eating
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now? --Probably feeding the dog or looking up info on Maria Theresa for World History.
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now? --LOLNO

Honestly, what color is your underwear? --Blueeeeee (like neon LOL)
Honestly, whats on your mind? --Food. The want to fill this out. Hoping my dog will shut up.
Honestly, what are you doing right now? --Listening to music and my dog barking and filling this out.
Honestly, have you done something bad today? --Not practiced or worked on much of my homework.
Honestly, do you watch disney channel? -- Not really. I used to occasionally, but most of the shows are retarded.
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? --Uhhh... some lady calling for my mom.
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? --my brothers being annoying, my mom yelling, jerks
Honestly, do you bite your nails? --Nope.
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? --Not really.
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now? --Not that I could remember it for long.
Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? --Heck yes. Who doesn't?

Can you blow a bubble? --Yupyup.
Can you dance? --I was once told that I was the reason "white girls can't dance" (AKA HECKNO)
Can you do a cart wheel? --Not anymore
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? --Haven't tried in a few years.
Can you touch your toes? --Almost. LOL
Can you whistle? --loud and clear
Can you wiggle your ears? -- No
Can you wiggle your nose? --Yahhhhh
Can you roll your tongue? --Yup.
Can you make a clover with your tongue? --Pardon my language, but HOW THE HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE?

What do you do when you’re mad? --Frown and attempt to keep it in
What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? --Uuuuhhh. Probably throw my slippers at the wall. Or punch the wall.
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? --I think my brothers.
Do you swear when you’re mad? --In my head unless I'm alone where my family can't hear me. With my friends it's out loud.

Ever really cried your heart out? --Yup
Ever cried yourself to sleep? --No. But I have cried while I was in my bed trying to sleep. Unless that's the same thing.
Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder? --No. I don't like letting my friends see me cry.
Ever cried over the opposite sex? --Well... yeah? But only because my brothers were being total jerks.
Ever cried over the same sex? --When my mom yells A LOT.
Do you cry when you get an injury? --Depends how bad it is. When I got my thumb smashed in the door, yes. When I accidentally cut myself or scrape something, no.
Do certain songs make you cry? --Christmas Shoes makes me want to. Not sure if others have. Though some send shivers up my spine.
Do certain movies make you cry? --Those sappy ones when someone dies.

Are you usually a happy person? --Normally.
What makes you the happiest? --Hanging out with friends/family and laughing.
Does being with your friends make you happy? --If they're truly my friends, yes.
Do you believe in yourself? -Not particularly.
Do you wish you were happier? --Occasionally.
Is being happy overrated? --Depends if it's true happiness or forced.
Can music make you happy? --Heck yeah.

How many times have you had your heart broken? --Ummm... No.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d die for them? --My friends and family.
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said ‘I love you’? --...no?

Do you actually hate anyone? --Ehhh... yeah.
Ever made a hit list? --Hell no. Only stupid people do that. You could get in HUGE trouble for that.
Have you ever been on a hit list? --No. But someone I know was. 'Cause she made it. >>;
Are you a mean bully? --If you ask my brothers they say I'm mean 'cause I smack them when they bother me a lot.
Do you hate George Bush? --...we're getting a new president soon! *attempting to change the subject*

Is your self-esteem extremely low? --Behhh. Sort of.
Are you good looking? --Pssh, no.
Do you wish you could be someone else? --Sometimes. But I like the way I am. Kind of.

What is your current hair color? --Brunette
Current piercings? --I've never gotten any. Ever.
Have any tattoos? --Heck no.
Straight hair or curly? --It curls in or out sometimes. But it's pretty dang straight.

What shirt are you wearing? A blue striped shirt and an white undershirt
Shoes? --Slippers
Necklace(s)? --No. I rarely wear any.

Hugged someone? --Uh, of course.
Been on the phone until the sun came up? --No. An hour or so is the longest time.
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants? --Almost peed. Just a little bit. XD;
Laughed so hard you cried? --YEAYEAYEA <3
Got in a fight with someone? --NOOOO WAYYYYY. [/sarcasm]

Person you talked to in person? --My dog. But she doesn't really count. So my littlest brother.
Person you hugged? --I hugged my littlest brother. (Okay, maybe it was more of a grabbing and attempted squish. Same difference.)

Do you like surveys? --WAIOFCOURSE.
Do you get along with your parents? --Most of the time.
Do you have mental breakdowns? --Ummm. More emotional, if at all.

Current mood: --Calm
Current music: --Dance, Dance -Fall Out Boy (OHOHOH. ANOTHER FALL OUT BOY) and it just changed to Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn -Hellogoodbye
Current hair style: --Almost reaching my shoulders and layered. Kind of like Poppukon's. XD;
Current crush: --None
Current thing I ought to be doing: --
Current windows open: LOL *counts* Veoh.com window with 'Untouched', Tegaki E's add new entry, Tegaki E's Silent Hill outline, a picture of my desktop on imageshack, and this
Current desktop picture: Lookie here.

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school? --No. I'd be so screwed.
Did you ever run away from home? --Threatened to but didn't follow through.
Did you ever want to be a doctor? --Yeah, like my mother.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter? --I think I actually thought about that recently. XD;

Do you know how to swim? --I have a pool in my backyard. I'm required to. XD
Do you like roller coasters? --YESYESYES
Do you own a bike? --Yeah.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? --My sweet baby Jesus, no.

Does hair loss run in your family at all? --Not that I know of.
Does your car get good gas mileage? --I don't have a car. But I don't know about the Subaru or van. Probably okay.
Does your family have family picnics? --Reunions occasionally. (Like one in the past four years. XD) And for Boy Scouts when I'm dragged along. But it's not just my family. It's about... a hundred or so boys with their families.

Have you ever been on a plane? --Tons of times
Have you ever been to the Ocean? --I used to live very close to it. So yep.
Have you ever painted your nails? --LOL Just the other day. It's nearly clear, so that's why. Otherwise I wouldn't have.

How did you find out about facebook? --My friends.
How many of your friends on facebook have you met in person? --Don't have a Facebook.
How tall are you? --About 5'4".
How much money do you have on you right now? --I have three pennies next to me. But nothing ON me.

Last person you hung out with? --My littlest brother.
Last thing you said out loud? "Ewww." I dropped a piece of Pepper's food in the water dish and my hand got wet. XD

What are you listening to? --I'm Just a Girl -No Doubt
What is the weather outside? --Cold. Windy, most likely. I think it's supposed to snow again.
What radio station do you listen to? Mostly 103.7 recently. And 99.1
What was the last restaurant you ate at? --some Chinese buffet
What was the last thing you had to drink? --milk
What was the last movie you watched? --White Chicks on New Year's day. My friends and I watched (in order) Stick It, August Rush (OMFG I LOVED IT), and White Chicks. We were up until 6:30 AM.

That took a while.

Sorry you haven't been seeing much of me. My Tegaki E addiction grows as I join my groups. XD But I'm still around! I promise!
