I'm alive! Like Frankenstein's monster.

Which is certainly what I feel like after running a mile and a half for the past two days for track training.

Anyway, I'm back from good ol' Tennessee, and they're already loading the homework on. Figures, since next week is the end of 3rd quarter. Just one quarter until school's over and I'm off to high school!
...Wow, I sound young. Least it's not middle school I'm going to. >.>

If you're wondering why I haven't yet put up your trade, Tenshi-kun, my dad has moved the scanner, and it's not connected. Nor has it been for the past few days. Karma, that's for certain.
Maybe it's for the best. The coloring is horrendous

If I've missed anything, will someone drop me a line? I'll check out whatever artwork, fan work, or world post I missed while I was gone. Got to do something to help my friends.

I have been feeling like a bad friend recently. What should I do to be a better person to you all?

Anyway, if you all have the time, check out tokyokisshu's portfolio. She's a super nice person (not to mention she's Australian. You can't beat that) and she needs some more love, in my opinion. ;]

I'm listening to iTunes on shuffle. God, I have nothing to talk about.

Umm... I'm doing track this year? Does anyone have any tips about high jump? I can't seem to clear the bar off of one foot. It's bothering me, so I've tried practicing on my bed. It's kind of hard, since my floor is often cluttered and I have to curve a lot to run into my room.

WARNING: Sharpening color pencils quickly with a hand-held sharpener quickly and roughly will break the pencil. Seriously.
*stares at half broken dark green color pencil sadly*

I'm going to stop boring you now.

If anyone has any questions for me (i.e. Do you have any siblings? What's your favorite anime? Do you like chocolate covered pretzels? Do you hate yaoi?) you can post them in my comment box. I want to have a little talk-back section.

If it helps, it'll get me to stop rambling on randomly. ;P

Take care, tell me what I missed, and tell me what's going on with you all!

(EDIT: I have new artwork up, and a fan comic, if anyone cares.)
