All you people reading this are lucky your familys arnt this wierd... Our dinner conversations are like way extreme anime... TokyoKisshu and her mum came around to have dinner with my Sister, Mum and me... We started out with the usual "The soup is wonderful" Then I said "Nah, Its way to bland". We continues on untill we started on Lizzie (I forgot her last name), a girl who when she was 22 she axe murdered her Mother and Father.
Then we all of a sudden started talking about arranged marriges... "Who would you arrange for me?" said my Sister. It suddenly turned to be an anime character. "Alphonse" replyed my Mum, "He is caring and *blah blah blah*"
"How about me! How about me! How about me!" I quickly jumped up and announced. "Ed! Said TokyoKisshu's mum and mine" They soo aggreed... Then we said Shigure (Fruruba) for TokyoKisshu's mum and Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) for my Mum...
Gee... Arnt we scary...