Welcome to Puhi Puhi Parodies, your all-anime world for parodies, comics, and funny pictures!

Hosted by BrotherlyLoveHK
Mascot: Botan the Baby Boar

Funny Toradora ^^

Though there were a lot of other really funny parts in this episode, I can, unfortunately post one video T.T So, enjoy! Toradora is one of my favorite animes, so I'll probably post the other funny videos sometime later XD *dies laughing* Ah, good times, good times...


So I was watching Code Geass today, while also looking for something to post here, and I found the freaking funniest Code Geass poster EVER XD Nanaly falling down the stairs in her wheelchair. Fail. And I really despise Nanaly anyways, so I feel no guilt in posting this... Enjoy!