
Heeey, guess who just spent an hour playing with Photoshop instead of doing her Mandarin homework that's due next block?
I had such a busy weekend, I didn't have time to do anything... Mraahhhh!!!(The Cheat-like sound of frustration) I worked alll Saturday, and it wasn't as bad as last week because it was pretty quiet and they let me go to lunch before five this time and I found out I can buy my favorite chips at the Circle K, so that's cool. Actually, I need to stop eating so much junk. Between the chips and getting pizza for lunch and not exersizing in the afternoon cause I gotta be at work, I'm slowly turning into a lump (huh, I'm using a lot of crying faces today...) Well, I walk to work and I drink lots of water and green tea, so I'm not that bad off, I guess.
I went to Nostalgia after work-my sister's in choir. It was actually a terrific show. I don't usually go to school performances, but this was so worth it. Plus, I got to talk to Totoro at intermission. We didn't talk that long, but, like, I made him laugh and he knows my name now, so that's something. Anyway, I'm going to prom with my cruddy friends on Saturday, mostly cuz I'm half-hoping he'll be there too. I'm actually really excited. I get to wear my black and white minidress, and my mom's gonna buy me accessories and stuff and touch up my roots. I'm gonna bring my Kakashi plushie and tell people he's my prom date, because what the hell.
My little sister had her First Communion on Sunday. She looked so cute in the white dress and veil A bunch of relatives came over, and I got to hang out with my cousin Rachel. She's like my favorite cousin and we never see each other Anyway, it turns out we're both into Asian pop music. She's into KPop right now, and she showed me some ridiculous EXO video where they were all wearing black hoods and stuff, because why not. EXO, man. I introduced her to Babymetal, because I have taken it upon myself to spread the wonder that is Babymetal to the world. Seriously, you need to see this band. Check it out:

So, yeah. Bell's about to ring, so I'm signing off. Have a good day guys!
See you later,
