in which I ramble on and on about my sad nerd obsessions

Hey guys! So yesterday I went to NHIA for a college tour. I'm still thinking about where to go, but NHIA is one of my top choices right now. The campus is really pretty, and at the end one of the admission counselors reviewed my portfolio,, and she said it was really good and if I applied I would be eligible for merit-based scholarships, which is awesome.
Hey, is anybody else on Miitomo? I got it about a week ago and I'm totally addicted. If anyone else has an account, let me know and I'll send you a friend request. Speaking of nerd obsessions, I recently finished watching Stranger Things, and oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to. Like, now.
I also started listening to Anti-Flag yesterday. I watched the videos for "This is the End" and "All of the Poison And All of the Pain", and the whole time all I could think, was, "how have I never heard of these guys before?" The thing is, I love punk rock, but the punk subculture is, let's face it, kind of dead, and sometimes I get discouraged. But there's, Anti-Flag, being punk and angry and unpolished and anti-corporate and awesome and singing about s--- that really matters and MEANING it, and being really frigging good. It just makes me feel great, like there are still people out there who care about punk, like it's something you can still be. Okay, rant over. Sorry, I got distracted :)
Okay, more pop culture fangirling: I started reading Silk, and it's soo good!! The art's fantastic, especially the issues drawn by Stacey Lee, and Silk's a great character. So expect lots of Silk fanart, is what I'm saying.
I think that's about it for this update. I feel like there was something else, but I can't remember what it was, soi I guess that's all for now.
See you later,
