So that was weird

So I just got an invite from Adam to join the alpha test for something called Chatwich. It seems like this might be a site to replace TheOtaku (sort of like how TheO replaced MyOtaku), but I ghope that's not the case. I signed up impulsively, but I sort of wish I hadn't. Something about this feels off to me. The site wanted by name, but there was very little to the site itself, and the address did not seem to be private like, say, Gmail (though now that I went back and checked, TheO isn't private either, so maybe I'm just paranoid). I'm certainly not saying Adam would try to steal people's credentials online, but a Igain, I get paranoid about this stuff. Anyway, I'm sure it's all fine, and I'm intrigued to see where this project goes, but I'm sort of frustrated. I sort of wish instead of building whole new websites, we could get some of the issues with this website fixed. It's incredibly buggy and the interface is extremely outdated. Frankly, before anyone goes setting up amazing new websites, this one here needs a complete overhaul. I'm sure that it's more complicated than that, but the guy could at least keep in touch with us users! The breakdown in communication is one of the most aggravating things about TheO's decline lately, and before I'm going to switch over to Adam's new project I want some answers about what the hell's been going on back here on TheO.


So if you go to, it says that you can register for an account there and that TheOtaku is going to be updated in the near future. Ho-lee shit. Is this the big comeback I just said would never happen? Is TheO gonna make a comeback??

Gee, Adam. I'm sorry I said all that mean stuff. You go, dude.

(Still annoyed about the communication breakdown, tho)
