Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: regular
Favorite Color: red
Screen Name: shingetsuhime
Favorite Show: …I don’t know
Your Car: Onii-sama’s arms…
Your Hometown: A forest in Japan
Your Present Town: the same
Your First Crush's Name: onii-sama
Your Grade: 2nd year
Sat on your rooftop? yes
Kissed someone in the rain? no
Danced in a public place? yes
Smiled for no reason? Yep! All the time!
Laughed so hard you cried? yes
Peed your pants after age 8? No
Written a song? no
Sang to someone for no reason? no
Performed on a stage? Does a wall count?
Talked to someone you don't know? Yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? yep
Made out in a theater? No, I was to busy watching the movie to let the guy I was with do that…wonder what happened to him…
Been in love? yes
Say HI to you? Haine-chan
Tell you, I love you? …
Kiss you? Onii-sama
Hug you? Rima-sempai
Tell you BYE? Haine-chan
Write you a note? …
Take your photo? …
Buy you something? Onii-sama
Write a poem about you? No one
Touch you? …
Time you cried? ....
Time you laughed? I don’t remember
Song you've sang? …I don’t remember
Time you've looked at the clock? …just now, than you very much T-T
Drink you've had? Onii-sama’s blood
Book you've read?...
Food you've eaten? Onii-sama’s blood
Shoes you've worn? heels
Store you've been in? The kimono-shoppe with Haine-chan to look at kimono’s for a special occasion
Thing you've said? I will not study sempai! Leave me alone!
Write with both hands? No, but I wish I could!
Whistle? nope
Roll your tongue in a circle? yep
Cross your eyes? yep
Touch your tongue to your nose? no
Dance? Yep,
Stay up a whole night without sleep? yep
Speak a different language? no
Impersonate someone? No
Make a card pyramid? I wish!
Cook anything? Yep. Better than Zero that’s for sure
If I were a ...”human” still…I could see Yori-chan again
I wish ...I hadnt had bit that chunk out of my tounge just now
So many people don't know that … Onii-sama is…I cant say…
I am ... so confused
My heart is ...twisting
Stolen from Haine-chan!